Need advice from moms with little ones under 5 years.

I need some serious motvation support from mothers with little ones under five years of age-multiples like two children under the age of 5. I feel so defeated so broken today. I am slowly putting back the 10lbs I fought lions to get off. I feel like such a horrible waste of a mother a wife. I can't even take care of myself let alone my family. Everyday I start with the best intentions and then a snack here a snack there. I am exhausted from the holiday rush, cooking, wrapping, decorating and now I am just beat down.

I have been horrible to my children and husband starting New Year's Day wtg New Year...New You?!? I know I have fallen off the wagon and I am fighting to get back on. My 1200 calorie deficit in my diet isn't working with everything that is going on in my mind.
I do not know what I need to get me out of this rut. Why can't everyday be a perfect weightloss day? Staying within my calorie range working out 5x a week?

It doesn't happen for me at all. Everyday is a struggle to get my children fed let alone trying to sip 64oz of water so that my body can flush fat! You can call me out if I am feeling sorry for myself I don't mind. It was so much easier when it was just me to get up go workout eat right and I am drowning!!! Losing herself. Again I despise the woman I see in the mirror. You did it again!! You managed yo-yo. I am praying that God will give me the strength to choose me EVERYDAY starting today. So not a good start to the New Year.


  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    The only advise is IT WILL END. My children are now 6 and 4, but I had years of being stuck at home, going out of my mind and piling on weight. I love my children more than anything, but it is simply impossible to get anything else done when you are looking after small children all day with no help from anyone else. It is relentless in a way you can't imagine before you have your own children.
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    Be selfish. You need to take care of yourself before you take care of anyone else. As my Daddy says, "If Mamma ain't happy, nobody's happy." And it's true.

    Are you a stay at home mom? Is there any way to get out of the house the second your husband gets home? (I do this with my Manbeast- we call it tag-team parenting).

    There's nothing wrong with feeling sorry for yourself, so long as you don't lose yourself in it. Use this as a starting point to make changes and then keep going.
  • KariQuiteContrary
    KariQuiteContrary Posts: 274 Member
    My children are no longer under 5 (8 and 5) but I feel like I may be able to relate. I'm a single mom and after work there's just me to take care of my children most times. My mom helps as much as she can by coming in the morning to take my children to school so I can get out the door early enough to get to my teaching job 20 minutes away on time. But once I'm home, unless I do something about it, it's just me.

    Gwynn is absolutely right. Be selfish and by all means find some way to take time for yourself like "tag-team" parenting. If you are constantly down on yourself because you feel you have no time to do this for yourself then it's also putting the entire family out of whack (which you mentioned). The other thing I do is find physical activities to do with my children. Get on the playground and play WITH them. You'd be surprised what a great workout it really is and you might get the added bonus of wearing them out so they'll take a nice long nap for you ;). I take my kids ice skating (roller works too). If your children's feet are too small for rental skates, most places will allow you to walk a toddler around the ice in boots and snow pants to help them get used to the way the ice feels. Take a walk with a stroller and make a game of spotting new items, colors, etc to keep them occupied while you burn calories. Where there's a will there's a way my dear :) I wish you all the success in the world and feel free to add me if you'd like. :)