losing your period--NOT eating disorder but BODY FAT

Has anyone lost their period due to low body fat? So, not from starving yourself...i want to make that clear. It's obvious that your body will revolt when it's being starved. I am an "athlete" I suppose and have always been rather active. My menstrual cycle is completely screwed up and i've read about amenorrhea as a result of running and many endurance sports...so I think it's related to this.

What is your approx BF% if you know it?

What sports do you do?

How long has it been gone?

Have you spoken with a doctor about it? Are they concerned?


  • MollyDukes
    MollyDukes Posts: 233 Member
    I had a friend that purposely would lose weight before her period so that she would miss it completely. She was involved with water polo. If she would gain weight she would lose enough to be at 98 lbs and skip her period. I'm not saying what she did is healthy....Because she was doing it purposely.....but i have heard it being possible. If you have concerns bring it up with your doctor.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Yup I dont have a clue what bf% I am but I weigh 112 and am 5'3". I missed it competely month before last (had it jump started with meds) Then this month I spotted for 1 day and it was really light!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Oh and they dont want you to go over 60 days I believe there is some reason I cant remember but something to do with bone health?!
  • nokittyno
    nokittyno Posts: 293 Member
    When I lost some of my initial weight, (80lbs or so) I actually had no period for 4 years and a few months (yep, 4 years) they said it could of been to the weight loss in such a short span of time (under a year) but I ended up getting it. Then I missed it for almost 2 years, then it came back, then 200 days I missed it- then it came back. Finally they put me on Birth Control to regulate it (which worked) apparently I was low on Estrogen. I also know that (since I had gained some more weight, more muscle) it was more regular than when I was alot leaner. (maybe a tad too lean at the time, running 6-7x a week).
  • lonewolf620
    I don't get them anymore thanks to my birth control I'm on- Depo Provera- it will be two years this coming August and I don't regret starting it. I don't miss my periods. The only period I've gotten since I've been on it was back in July when my classmate met his untimely death- that was just stress related. I also have missed them due to athletic training and such.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    yeah, i've been on birth control in the past. I am probably going back on it but i stopped so that my hormone levels could be checked and with birth control you can't get an accurate assessment of what's going on with your hormones. So, yeah...probably back on those next month.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I don't get them anymore thanks to my birth control I'm on- Depo Provera- it will be two years this coming August and I don't regret starting it. I don't miss my periods. The only period I've gotten since I've been on it was back in July when my classmate met his untimely death- that was just stress related. I also have missed them due to athletic training and such.

    sooo sorry about your friend. I hope you're coping well now. I used to do Depo..i HATE HATE HATE needles.
  • ShapeUpSidney
    ShapeUpSidney Posts: 1,092 Member
    I've skipped before due to low body fat. I was in the 12-14% range, with no ED. Stress may have also been a factor, but who can tell?
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I have, hadn't had one since June. I had been taking birth control pills awhile back, but had a very serious circulation related side effect/incident and stopped taking them immediately. My period just never came back. Personally, I don't miss it one bit, but I do want to be careful about any health repercussions. At this point I haven't seen a doctor recently enough to comment on whether or not they are concerned, but I guess I should get on that?

    My body fat is approx. 18-19.5% and I am at a healthy weight.

    I do a lot of athletic related things. Now that it's winter I'm mainly strength training, rock climbing and skiing, but in the summer I run, hike, mountain bike, and rock climb.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    I have, hadn't had one since June. I had been taking birth control pills awhile back, but had a very serious circulation related side effect/incident and stopped taking them immediately. My period just never came back. Personally, I don't miss it one bit, but I do want to be careful about any health repercussions. At this point I haven't seen a doctor recently enough to comment on whether or not they are concerned, but I guess I should get on that?

    My body fat is approx. 18-19.5% and I am at a healthy weight.

    I do a lot of athletic related things. Now that it's winter I'm mainly strength training, rock climbing and skiing, but in the summer I run, hike, mountain bike, and rock climb.

    18% is low enough for many women to lose it...the human body is so weird. I'd definitely get that checked out and possible get a birth control that you won't have issues with.
  • scarletleavy
    scarletleavy Posts: 841 Member
    I have, hadn't had one since June. I had been taking birth control pills awhile back, but had a very serious circulation related side effect/incident and stopped taking them immediately. My period just never came back. Personally, I don't miss it one bit, but I do want to be careful about any health repercussions. At this point I haven't seen a doctor recently enough to comment on whether or not they are concerned, but I guess I should get on that?

    My body fat is approx. 18-19.5% and I am at a healthy weight.

    I do a lot of athletic related things. Now that it's winter I'm mainly strength training, rock climbing and skiing, but in the summer I run, hike, mountain bike, and rock climb.

    18% is low enough for many women to lose it...the human body is so weird. I'd definitely get that checked out and possible get a birth control that you won't have issues with.

    Yeah, I'm gonna go to the doctor pretty soon and see what he says, but I think I'm done with the hormonal birth control for good. I'm hoping to get a bit lower bf%, so I'm hoping he doesn't say I need more fat on me. That would be sad.
  • graysmom2005
    graysmom2005 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Ever since I lost my weight and became a fitness instructor my periods have been wack. They used to be very consistent and came very early. Since all the working out I have missed some all together or they have gone long inbetween. Im sure it's workout related.
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Last time I was checked I was about 20% bodyfat no clue what I am now!
  • FitForLife81
    FitForLife81 Posts: 372 Member
    Last time I was checked I was about 20% bodyfat no clue what I am now!
  • n_unocero
    n_unocero Posts: 445 Member
    I don't have them now due to my depo shot, but back in high school i would get mine twice a year....once during the 2 week off season after softball and before basketball and once during the 2 week offseason after basketball and before softball lol.
  • onefitdiva
    onefitdiva Posts: 331 Member
    As soon as I got to the 19% body fat mark and that was 9 months ago, have not checked it since, anyway my period started coming every 6 to 9 weeks and only lasting 2 days and was super light. My doctor said I was ok physically but put me on the birth control pill anyway to see if it would help me get it monthly. It did....damn.....I liked the lack of them! Anyway it is common for athletic women to have this issue but I would go get checked out anyway.
  • Onesnap
    Onesnap Posts: 2,819 Member
    Some cultures of the world women only get 4 periods/year. This is great because they also have less cancer!

    Anyway, please talk to your doctor ASAP. This is nothing to mess with. I learned from my Mom having cancer that you just should not wait to see a doctor if you have concerns. Ever. There's only 1 YOU.
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I know someone who "lost her period" because she was literally working out too much, according to her doctor. I guess there's a fine line of what's too much, maybe? Anyway, she had trouble getting pregnant because of this. She backed off a little, and wham-bam, conceived.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    last month I was a week late, i thought it maybe cos over exercised that week thinking I'd burn more calories off if my metabolism was naturally higher the week before, it never came had awful 2 weeks of cramps and cravings and finally (weirdly) after water had come back off so I thought it wasn't coming it arrived a few nights later at like.. nearly midnight!!

    I wasn't sure if it was cos of too much exercise of cos I'm 42 and maybe peri-menopause?.. I didn't know you could skip periods form losing weight just before it!

    my body fat is still at lower end of 30 (was 39) so has gone down but not enough I think to stop my periods?
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    the problem with not getting your period is that you will build up the lining of the endometrium (which normally sloghs off during menses). If you dont shed this lining, you can get a build up of cells and this can lead to endometrial cancer...Also if you are not getting periods because either estrogen or progesterone is too low you are at risk for osteoporosis and heart disease.