Okay....I see a MILLION people on here talking about how much they love water and drink tons everyday.

Well.....what if you don't like water???? I hate drinking water. I've never liked it and have to force myself to even think about it as a possibility.

I pretty much just drink Diet Coke.

Any suggestions???


  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Okay....I see a MILLION people on here talking about how much they love water and drink tons everyday.

    Well.....what if you don't like water???? I hate drinking water. I've never liked it and have to force myself to even think about it as a possibility.

    I pretty much just drink Diet Coke.

    Any suggestions???
  • BxMom
    BxMom Posts: 363
    Have you tried flavor packets. They have some really good one's from crystal light, lipton tea, propel and I know there are more.
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Crystal light packets! They come in little packets that you can mix into your water bottle, I like the strawberry lemonade. Hope this helps!

  • inadelirium
    Hot or Ice tea works well too, as long as you don't add too much sweetener (artificial or not).
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    Okay....I see a MILLION people on here talking about how much they love water and drink tons everyday.

    Well.....what if you don't like water???? I hate drinking water. I've never liked it and have to force myself to even think about it as a possibility.

    I pretty much just drink Diet Coke.

    Any suggestions???

    seltzer water is good

    water with just a splash of real cranberry juice..amazing how just a tiny splash livens up a large glass

    diet coke is junk...why do that to that bod?
  • MollysMom2005
    MollysMom2005 Posts: 58 Member
    Have you tried Crystal Lite?...the Fruit Punch is my favorite. And they make the small pouches that can be mixed in a bottled water. No measuring.

    There was a time when I hated water too, but I began to like it more and more as I made myself drink it.

    Another trick I would do when I was getting used to drinking water with my meals....a squeeze of lemon and a Sweet n' Low......and you have lemonade.
  • sassiebritches
    sassiebritches Posts: 1,861 Member
    Water.....I can't imagine water being gross, but have heard alot of people say that......I think if I didn't have water what would I do, there are 2 musts in my home....water and milk. I have not had a soda of any kind in months....I suppose get a flavor packet as mentioned that will trick you into thinking its something else. I am still stumped before all fancy soda garbage there was.........water.......

    Sorry I guess I just cannot get the dislike of water.....hope you find someway to get it.

  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.
  • Zara11
    Zara11 Posts: 1,247 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.

    Oh, wow, you're my twin!
    I, er, kinda still drink diet coke, I just aim for not more than 4 cups a week.
    As for water, i force myself when i go to the kitchen to get said diet coke to chug cups, like 2, before pouring the coke. Miserable, but it works. Right now, I've had a crazy hectic running/workout day, and I've maybe drunk... 2 glasses of water? And I'm not thirsty. What I shall do, though, is squirt lemon juice in a cup, add a lot of water, and trust me, it goes down a LOT easier.
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Oh, wow, you're my twin!
    I, er, kinda still drink diet coke, I just aim for not more than 4 cups a week.
    As for water, i force myself when i go to the kitchen to get said diet coke to chug cups, like 2, before pouring the coke. Miserable, but it works. Right now, I've had a crazy hectic running/workout day, and I've maybe drunk... 2 glasses of water? And I'm not thirsty. What I shall do, though, is squirt lemon juice in a cup, add a lot of water, and trust me, it goes down a LOT easier.

    Nice to know I'm not the only one who's CRAZY!!!!
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Perhaps you should just force yourself to take a bottle of water to the gym. Your body would get awfully dehydrated without it. I understand the feeling of "being addicted" to diet coke, although if I told myself I was "addicted to sugar" I'd get nowhere on this road to a healthy lifestyle. Perhaps you need to consciously try and drink less diet coke and more water... Kinda like taking medicine or something, hold your nose and drink. Anything with flavouring always tastes better but your body really does need water - plain old H2O - to make a lot work.

    it takes 21 days to create a new habit and I know going back to drinking water at every opportunity was definately a chore for me initially but now I absolutely love it and I realise just how much better I feel for it! :wink:
  • mrsyac2
    mrsyac2 Posts: 2,784 Member
    I used to hate water- but I found a bottled water that I liked and I started slow- My water intake has dropped down alot I don't drink as much as I need too but- whatever I will do it.

    Your not crazy at all for not liking water or for drinking diet coke- hell Im addicted to Cherry Coke Zero!

    Or you could drink 2 cups of water then get a diet coke

    Have you tried propel water?
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    I think I look at Diet Coke as not having any calories and so it's okay.

    Yes Yes I know alll about the chemicals in it.

    Infact, my mom used to drink it and I remeber thinking EW this stuff is gross. Now I love the burn of that first drink! :wink:
  • alapointe
    alapointe Posts: 369 Member
    I know exactly how you feel, I think water is so gross. I was addicted to Sprite for years, but last year i gave it up and switched to Crystal light. Then i was addicted to Crystal light, which they say isn't great either.

    Sooooo now i am just trying to drink plain water. The colder it is the better, so I have a 24oz bottle that i fill full of ice and just drink at least 3 of those a day. Every day is a struggle to drink the water, but just like everything else on this journey i just struggle one day at a time and make myself do it.
  • plussizemommy
    I HATE WATER!! but, that being said, if you really want to lose weight I think you just have to buckle down and drink it!! I was addicted to pepsi and diet pepsi max and when January 5th rolled around, I put the pop down and I was done. Was it hard? heck yeah! I had a horrible caffenine headache for a week!! But, is it worth it? Yes, it is. I'm down almost 20 pounds and haven't had a soda since January. It is just something I had to do no matter how hard it was and still is!! I do the drink packets to mix in, I make the water really cold to make it taste better, I buy the flavored water at Wal-Mart...anything to make sure I get my 64 ounces in!! I used to not drink one cup of water and now I'm drinking 8-10 glasses a day!!
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Alright Alright.....you'll be happy to know that I put two bottles of water in the fridge to get cold.......
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Just like I don't get the desire for water! :) I don't even bring a bottle of water with me to the gym.

    I have tried some packets.....I guess it's just not a habit for me yet to automatically think of those.

    I'm addicted to Diet coke......I've accepted that fact. :tongue:

    I do like non-sweetened Ice tea......so I suppose I could make some of that.
    When our bodies become dehydrated we often don't feel thirst even though it's exactly what our bodies need the most..water.

    True, there are many folks on here that love their water, there are some that share that they can't stand it but have learned to enjoy it once they realized how important for our health it truly is.

    You can subsitute but the very best is plain old tasty water. I do enjoy my decaf lemongrass green tea a couple times a day but I don't count that in my water quota but that's just me.

    I agree pop is NOT water and as a side note when I used to occasionally drink it ...it never quenched my thirst... Caffeined is a diuretic so you are losing more liquid from your body when using that so you would want to increase your water even more then.

    I really enjoy very cold water from the fridge...some find they like it room temp, some like it warm, perhaps try a few different ways and see which one appeals the most, but most of all, drink it for your health!! Your whole body will thank you for it!:heart:
  • Fitness_Chick
    Fitness_Chick Posts: 6,648 Member
    Water.....I can't imagine water being gross, but have heard alot of people say that......I think if I didn't have water what would I do, there are 2 musts in my home....water and milk. I have not had a soda of any kind in months....I suppose get a flavor packet as mentioned that will trick you into thinking its something else. I am still stumped before all fancy soda garbage there was.........water.......

    Sorry I guess I just cannot get the dislike of water.....hope you find someway to get it.

    :drinker: :wink:
  • Iceprincessk25
    Iceprincessk25 Posts: 1,888 Member
    Eh.....this article says I don't need that much and that my diet coke counts towards my daily intake! :drinker:

    Drink At Least 8 Glasses Of Water A Day" -- Really?

    ScienceDaily (Aug. 9, 2002) — Hanover, NH -- It has become accepted wisdom: "Drink at least eight glasses of water a day!" Not necessarily, says a DMS physician Heinz Valtin, MD. The universal advice that has made guzzling water a national pastime is more urban myth than medical dogma and appears to lack scientific proof, he found.

    In an invited review published online by the American Journal of Physiology August 8, Valtin, professor emeritus of physiology at Dartmouth Medical School, reports no supporting evidence to back this popular counsel, commonly known as "8 x 8" (for eight, eight-ounce glasses). The review will also appear in a later issue of the journal.

    Valtin, a kidney specialist and author of two widely used textbooks on the kidney and water balance, sought to find the origin of this dictum and to examine the scientific evidence, if any, that might support it. He observes that we see the exhortation everywhere: from health writers, nutritionists, even physicians. Valtin doubts its validity. Indeed, he finds it, "difficult to believe that evolution left us with a chronic water deficit that needs to be compensated by forcing a high fluid intake."

    The 8 x 8 rule is slavishly followed. Everywhere, people carry bottles of water, constantly sipping from them; it is acceptable to drink water anywhere, anytime. A pamphlet distributed at one southern California university even counsels its students to "carry a water bottle with you. Drink often while sitting in class..."

    How did the obsession start? Is there any scientific evidence that supports the recommendation? Does the habit promote good health? Might it be harmful?

    Valtin thinks the notion may have started when the Food and Nutrition Board of the National Research Council recommended approximately "1 milliliter of water for each calorie of food," which would amount to roughly two to two-and-a-half quarts per day (64 to 80 ounces). Although in its next sentence, the Board stated "most of this quantity is contained in prepared foods," that last sentence may have been missed, so that the recommendation was erroneously interpreted as how much water one should drink each day.

    He found no scientific studies in support of 8 x 8. Rather, surveys of fluid intake on healthy adults of both genders, published as peer-reviewed documents, strongly suggest that such large amounts are not needed. His conclusion is supported by published studies showing that caffeinated drinks, such as most coffee, tea and soft drinks, may indeed be counted toward the daily total. He also points to the quantity of published experiments that attest to the capability of the human body for maintaining proper water balance.

    Valtin emphasizes that his conclusion is limited to healthy adults in a temperate climate leading a largely sedentary existence -- precisely, he points out, the population and conditions that the "at least" in 8 x 8 refers to. At the same time, he stresses that large intakes of fluid, equal to and greater than 8 x 8, are advisable for the treatment or prevention of some diseases, such as kidney stones, as well as under special circumstances, such as strenuous physical activity, long airplane flights or hot weather. But barring those exceptions, he concludes that we are currently drinking enough and possibly even more than enough.

    Despite the dearth of compelling evidence, then, What's the harm? "The fact is that, potentially, there is harm even in water," explains Valtin. Even modest increases in fluid intake can result in "water intoxication" if one's kidneys are unable to excrete enough water (urine). Such instances are not unheard of, and they have led to mental confusion and even death in athletes, in teenagers after ingesting the recreational drug Ecstasy, and in ordinary patients.

    And he lists other disadvantages of a high water intake: (a) possible exposure to pollutants, especially if sustained over many years; (b) frequent urination, which can be both inconvenient and embarrassing; (c) expense, for those who satisfy the 8 x 8 requirements with bottled water; and (d) feelings of guilt for not achieving 8 x 8.

    Other claims discredited by scientific evidence that Valtin discusses include:

    Thirst Is Too Late. It is often stated that by the time people are thirsty, they are already dehydrated. On the contrary, thirst begins when the concentration of blood (an accurate indicator of our state of hydration) has risen by less than two percent, whereas most experts would define dehydration as beginning when that concentration has risen by at least five percent.

    Dark Urine Means Dehydration. At normal urinary volume and color, the concentration of the blood is within the normal range and nowhere near the values that are seen in meaningful dehydration. Therefore, the warning that dark urine reflects dehydration is alarmist and false in most instances. Is there scientific documentation that we do not need to drink "8 x 8"? There is highly suggestive evidence, says Valtin. First is the voluminous scientific literature on the efficacy of the osmoregulatory system that maintains water balance through the antidiuretic hormone and thirst. Second, published surveys document that the mean daily fluid intake of thousands of presumably healthy humans is less than the roughly two quarts prescribed by 8 x 8. Valtin argues that, in view of this evidence, the burden of proof that everyone needs 8 x 8 should fall on those who persist in advocating the high fluid intake without, apparently, citing any scientific support.

    Finally, strong evidence now indicates that not all of the prescribed fluid need be in the form of water. Careful peer-reviewed experiments have shown that caffeinated drinks should indeed count toward the daily fluid intake in the vast majority of persons. To a lesser extent, the same probably can be said for dilute alcoholic beverages, such as beer, if taken in moderation.

    "Thus, I have found no scientific proof that absolutely every person must 'drink at least eight glasses of water a day'," says Valtin. While there is some evidence that the risk of certain diseases can be lowered by high water intake, the quantities needed for this beneficial effect may be less than 8 x 8, and the recommendation can be limited to those particularly susceptible to the diseases in question.

    DMS news is on the web at http://www.dartmouth.edu/dms/news.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    LOL...gotta love that internet