Introducing myself

Hi I'm Stacey! I'm 41 with two tween kids looking to start fresh with a healthy diet and exercise. Starting off slow and working my way into it. I have to incorporate it into my life. So far, on the 4th of January I am doing ok. My biggest issue is meals. ; What to buy? how to put the meal together? expense, as well (healthier food is more costly). I eat on the run alot, rushing through life. Rushing in the morning, usually a breakfast far, a frozen meal at lunch because I haven't prepared myself and dinner is usually a free for all. The kids have usually snacked until they are not hungry by the time I get home, and don't want to eat til later. Its easy to fall into fatty foods with this schedule, I'm working out before work so that is where my little bit of extra energy comes from. Anyone have suggestions that are in my same shoes? Thanks in advance! Stacey