Hello there!

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully find some weight loss buddies (:
So, I'm 18 and I've always been the chubby friend. Now, I'm taking control and hopefully, by next summer I'll be as confident as I never was. I dance classical ballet and I really want to have a more ballerina-ish body.
I've tried to lose weight many times but never succeeded. I'm confident that I'll do it this time!

Wish me luck and good luck to all of you with your own weight loss!



  • deannarey13
    Sending an invite your way!

    I love new friends too! Feel free to add me anyone.

    PS - I want skinny thighs too!!!
  • wantskinnythighs
    wantskinnythighs Posts: 7 Member
    Hahaha thank you!
    Skinny thighs quest here we go (: