Those of you with a KINDLE...

deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
I am old fashioned and love to have and hold books in my hand. I actually love to turn a page as I read (so exciting). I also love to keep them afterwards as mini-trophies (yes I'm crazy like that) on my book shelves and I also think they look pretty as well.

For xmas I was gifted "The Pillars of the Earth" (yay!!!) (900+ pages - boo!) and the darn thing is HEAVY!!! I ride the train to and from work so I've been dragging that thing around for the past 2 days and I so envy the other people on the train that have those book-reading devices.

So I ask you Kindle do they work? Are they expensive? Do you pay like a monthly fee to be able to keep the thing working? If so do you purchase an "internet" package like you do with the smart phones?

Let me know....



  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    The cheapest one is $79 I think. A bit much if you're getting it just for this one book, but a good deal if you're going to use it a lot. No monthly fee on mine, not on any of them as far as I know. You can get all the details at Amazon.
  • Chowder_17
    Chowder_17 Posts: 141 Member
    I love my kindle and I'm reading more b/c of it! All you pay for it the price of it and the books you purchase. Some kindles have built in wi-fi, others you just connect to your computer to get your books. If you have Amazon Prime, you can also rent books for free and you can checkout book on it from your local library.

    Let me know if you have any other questions.
  • Are you looking for just Kindle feedback or Nook as well?

    I just treated myself to the Nook Tablet for Christmas - BEST GIFT TO MYSELF EVER!! I actually just posted on my Facebook that I'm still in love with my Nook. I've read 3 books since I got it 3 weeks ago. I've changed all my magazines that I buy over to subscriptions on the Nook - no more wasteful paper!!

    They all range in prices - I got the Nook Tablet which was $249, but you can get the entry level Nook or Kindle for $79. Well worth the money!
  • i have a kindle fire. its $200, but you can get a basic one for like $80. it has wifi. so i just connect it to the internet in my house to browse for books. you can download a sample before you buy the book. i also have games available to download on mine. like angry birds. lol. but its pretty awesome.
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    all the pricing is fairly detailed at amazon... you buy the device and just buy books. 3g model includes lifetime internet. just good for downloading books. web browser is really awful.
  • Just bought my daughter one for Christmas.... single mom on a tight budget!!

    I got her the Kindle Touch $99 - there are different types. But the only time I pay is if we download a new book. She accesses the internet through my wi-fi at home - so no charge for that...

    I need to research too - I hear some of the libraries are starting to go online with electronic check out. Might prove to be even better!!

    She's shopped for some books - prices ranging from $0.99 to $9.99... nothing crazy.

    Hope this helps.
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    Where are you? It might vary from country to country.

    I'm in the UK. I got my kindle from Amazon last year for my 50th birthday. It cost £89 (though I also bought a protective cover and a charger). There's no monthly fee.

    Books can be downloaded from Amazon and other retailers. Some are free.

    I love it to bits - its so easy to read one-handed on the train, fits in my handbag and weights hardly anything, and it remembers where you are in every book.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,519 Member
    They can be very cheap depending on what kind you get, no monthly fee, no internet package
  • wendyannie1976
    wendyannie1976 Posts: 205 Member
    i downloaded the kindle app for android phone and read them on there no cost other then for purchasing the individual ebooks and I love it, i love books but haven't space for them all as i read one book a week generally
  • I Love my Kindle Fire!! I got one for Christmas. You have access to books, mags, movies, music and much much more. You can download any book from Amazon. Go on your computer to kindle and read all about it. I did get the year sub to, but you don't have to. As for the Kindle itself, there are different kinds with diff prices, so you need to go on line and shop, or go to Best Buy or a store in your area and have a sales rep explain it all. I really did like the web site though, It will tell you everything you need to know!! I can assure you that it will be so much better to hold it on a train that the book itself!! Good luck!!
  • Like you i love my books but my hubby gave me a kindle and in 17 years it is the best thing he has ever given me!!! There is no monthly fee you just buy the books like you would any other amazon purchase and they download straight to your kindle. I am going to get a cover that looks like a cover for it to protect it. And they do offer many free books because it can get pricey after a while. I am probably going to get one for my daughter for her birthday even though she is resisting them because she loves her books as well. I got the touch so that i can read without the backlight hurting my eyes.
  • Enigmatica
    Enigmatica Posts: 879 Member
    I love my Kindle! I paid the few extra bucks for the built-in 3G access. There are no monthly fees. I have about 60 *free* books - a lot of the classics are available for FREE. I read a lot more since getting it.
  • I've had mine for around a year and a half now - it's not the new style they have out now, nor the "touch" variety. I guess you would call it the second generation kindle.

    It's simple, I love it.

    Now, I know some books that have "graphs and charts" in them may not display that properly in the kindle, but I can open the same book on my kindle for pc and see it properly. I know the new "fire" can show them properly, although I don't know about the other versions.

    I have the model that has the 3G connectivity so it doesn't rely on a wifi hotspot - I just turn on the wireless and it connects (I must assume it's as long as there are cell towers in the vicinity). I keep the wireless off unless I'm shopping - that way my battery will last longer.

    When I decide to upgrade, I'll definitely get the fire version.... unless I have an ipad by then :)
  • For Christmas, my husband bought me the new Kindle Fire. I love it! You can download books, watch movies, play games, facebook, twitter, etc. To download things or use anything requiring the internet, you have to be on wireless which you can connect to at home or a million different places. I think McDonalds even has free wireless now. Also, many libraries are offering ebooks now so if you don't want to pay for books, you may be able to "check them out" for free from your local library. If you have an Amazon Prime account, which is $79/year, you can watch free movies and download lots of free books. I didn't think I would like a Kindle, but now that I have one I love it.
  • bankstisha
    bankstisha Posts: 45 Member
    I've had my kindle for a couple of years now and LOVE it! You don't have a monthly fee, you just pay for the kindle and the books you want to purchase. Amazon offers a lot of free books and books for $.99 also. If you subscribe to Amazon Prime, you can borrow books for free. Also, if you get one, check with your local library. Some libraries are able to offer ereading borrow as well. =)
  • CathyWins60
    CathyWins60 Posts: 3 Member
    I have one and I love it. Very easy to use and I take with me everywhere.:smile:
  • scs143
    scs143 Posts: 2,190 Member
    I have a regular kindle and my son (who absolutely does not need one because he is 7) has a kindle fire. I love my kindle so much. I got mine last Christmas and have read 126 books this year. I commute and walk to the train daily and I love how light it is. Ordering books is easy. I think it's so worth it.

    I know, I sound like a commercial for Kindle, but I love it. And I was resistant as well in the beginning. I love books. But, I am not sorry at all.
  • deedee1508
    deedee1508 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi - I've got a Kindle and it's fab. I've got the one with wireless, didn't think the 3G version was worth the extra. But, a great investment and there are so many books on Amazon that are very inexpensive, it's well worth it. Highly recommended!
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    Love my Kindle! Was like you... liked having the book in my hand ect... now I couldn't think of anything better! Nice cuz there are no bookstores around me... when I run out of book to read in the middle of the night...Voila a new book in 60 seconds. You can even get used on E-bay real cheap!
  • suzksell
    suzksell Posts: 48 Member
    I am a book lover as well...that feeling of the page between your fingers as you slowly turn from one to the next can't be beat. However, my hubby turned me on to the Kindle (he's often deployed with the military, and it's the best way to get books to him while he's overseas). I am now ADDICTED to my Kindle. I can take it anywhere (I even find that I read more books on my phone with the Kindle reader so I don't take ANYTHING else with me). There is no monthly fee. You need an Amazon account with a payment method attached to it. You can download books anywhere and at any time via their "Whispernet" so you don't even need a real WiFi connection. As I said, there are apps for most smartphones as well. Lately, it's become a challenge for me to find free books for mine (I have a couple of sources that let you know daily when there are freebies out there). I have a lit degree, so I read a lot of classics, and those are always free.

    The Kindle FIre is the more expensive version of the Kindle: it meets the description of a tablet. However, the basic model with the black and white screen is only about 80 bucks.