wahwahwah... this is ME, whining... Wanna be my workout budd

I have never been one of those sporty sport girls. I did competitive cheerleading in high school and it was probably the only reason I wasn't out of shape. While there are many adult sports teams in the Philadelphia area, there are no "cheerleadercise" classes (although that might be something to start for all of us former cheerleaders who hate other sports... no?).

I did INSANITY to get in shape for my wedding back in September and lost 9 lbs and felt great. Then I fell off the wagon... and ended up in chubby married land after only 3 months of marriage. My husband has always been a big supporter of my just being happy, but even he has noticed the extra padding.

Truth be told... I would rather be reading a book or napping with my dog than hitting the tiny gym in my apartment complex or sweating buckets to Shaun T. I need a motivator. A friend. A person (not my husband) to be accountable to. I miss having lean, toned extremities. I miss feeling sexy while shopping at Victoria's Secret... or any other store for that matter.

Any ideas to get my tucas motivated?


  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    GirI I so feel you. Thats why I love MFP this site is great. Although my husband isn't really supportive of me working out everyday he says a few days a week is fine but everyday is a lil much but I have a goal and I'm gonna meet it dang it lol.

    You look good in your pic lol where the heck can you loose weight at? I have a 2 year old and never really lost the weight after I had him so for me its my flabby belly mostly. I'm 160 now goal is 130.

    My issue really isn't working out its more watching what I eat. But I still need someone to tell me to get off my *kitten* and workout too lol

    I'll send you a friend invite.

  • vanillafrosting
    vanillafrosting Posts: 21 Member
    That pic is a pic of my former self, back when I tried out to be an NFL cheerleader. Oh, pipe dreams...
    It's close to what I hope to end up looking like again. I thought it would be motivating, but it's not. I also wanna get back down to my ideal size because I want kids within the next few years and I don't wanna START having them heavy because then I'll never lose the weight.

    We can motivate each other! I need to watch what I eat too... it's really a give and take. My affinity for wine probably doesn't help either lol.
  • AliciaV30
    AliciaV30 Posts: 147 Member
    what is your calorie goal? mine is 1200 it use to be hard as hell but now its pretty easy and if I go over I just make sure to workout enough to even it out lol. I'm doing the jillian michaels 30 day shed its a great workout but i'm not getting the results I want. I'm toning up for sure but i wanna loose the weight too so I'm going back to my workout bike and a few other things that were working for me in the begining. I lost 10 pds before I started the video since I started it I've only lost like 3 but i gain it back and then loose it so really I'm maintaining the weight I'm at which sucks.

    I got prego when I was 156pds ya I was over weight then so I know what you mean when you say you wanna loose the weight first. I took advantage of being prego too STUPID MISTAKE lol i went from 156 to 192 when I had my son. After birth I automatically lost 20 pds so thats 172 and now I'm 160 so I have along way to go.
  • vanillafrosting
    vanillafrosting Posts: 21 Member
    My calorie goal is also 1200. I used to be in great shape... then I got a desk job for my internship in college and it's been a slippery slope ever since. I was 140 after my freshmen year of college and have crept up to 155. My ideal weight is actually 135-140. I am going to try to stick with Insanity because (1) it worked the first time and (2) I CANNOT run to save my life- hate running, always have always will.

    Yesterday was a complete FAIL with my food diary lol. I legit ate two days worth of cals, so I really need to reassess today and start meal planning. It's also tough because my schedule BLOWS (I work full time, then I coach high school cheerleading, and nanny part time)! I'm sure it's tough for you too with your son running around- Mommies are always very busy people.

    Let's have a good day!!