anyone else wanna lose over 50 lbs



  • phatgirl30
    lol, me me me lol. I hear you girl

    Lets do this
  • angelswank
    angelswank Posts: 55 Member
    I still want to lose about 57 lbs, I have already lost 98 lbs. :wink:
  • phatgirl30
    I want to lose 110....Add me :)
  • BetterYet
    BetterYet Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Gianessa,

    Happy New Year and best wishes! I NEED to lose over 50 pounds (over 70 pounds actually)!!!!I I am also working with a Nutritionist whom I met with today. I met with her a few months ago but the holidays and quite a few other excuses came into play. However, I stepped on the SCARE (otherwise known as the SCALE) on Monday and now I am working from a position of ABSOLUTE FEAR!!! I hope to see my next birthday!!! I did not keep up my 'self care" and here I am NEEDING to do something from this point forward in my life. Fortunately, I have no problem with working out and eating correctly. So back to the grind stone! I made excuses and just let everything else take the lead but me. Now I have no choice. Coffin is not a good look for me. :sad: Encouragement, support, ideas, suggestions. It all works.
  • chele1028
    chele1028 Posts: 248 Member
    Please feel free to add me too! I have lost 45 since Aug but have another 60 pounds to go! Good luck to you all!
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member

    That's my group for 50-100 lbs to lose. Come join!
  • meli1204
    Just Joined - made a goal to lose 60 lbs this year and 100 lbs overall - Need Supportive Friends!!!
  • Mardill
    Mardill Posts: 141 Member
    The support here is fantastic! I joined Dec 13 and one of the best features of mfp is the food diary. I write everything, good or bad, in it & it helps me to eat a more healthy diet. My real name is Marg (short for Margaret) & we can encourage each other!:happy:
  • bnqueenbee
    bnqueenbee Posts: 5 Member
    it's a long hard journey! its good to know your not doing it alone :]
  • cassiebrooks
    cassiebrooks Posts: 30 Member
    i wanna drop at least 50 pounds. 75 would be great. But if i get to 50 Ill be happy!!!
  • trishl2011
    trishl2011 Posts: 138 Member
    Add me too!! I need friends and motivation and need to lose about 50lbs.
  • icanbeslim2
    icanbeslim2 Posts: 4 Member
    Yes please. Count me in.:bigsmile: Heres hoping for great progress
  • gregpack
    gregpack Posts: 426 Member
    Hi Guys,

    I lost about 95 lbs last year. I started using MFP back in late Summer when I hit a plateau and have managed to pull off another 50 or so using the program. Looking back, it really wasn't that bad. i wish I had done it twenty years ago.

    My advice is the same stuff you've probably heard before, but the reason we here this stuff over and over again is because it works.

    Take your time, do not set an overly aggressive goal. This will be a new way of life if you want the weight to stay off. If you crash diet and lose it in just a few months, you've probably changed little about your eating habits and the weight will return. By losing slow and steady, the MFP will occasionally lower you allowed caloric intake and will force you to make better and better food choices as you near you goal weight.

    Have one to two cheater meals per week. Don't go wild but it will get your cravings out of the way. It may also help prevent you from hitting a plateau. Google "leptin" for more info.

    Watch your protein intake. It generally needs to be a good bit higher than MFP recommends. Inadequate calories plus inadequate protein consumption could result in the loss of excess lena body mass.

    Write your weight down on a calender. Every time I broke a ten pound level I took a pic of the scale. It may sound silly, but after a few months of dieting when I felt like quitting, I could review the progress I had made. It kept me going.

    Be COMPLETELY honest with MFP. If you go over your caloric limit, record it. Log everything you put in your mouth that has calories. You will learn a lot about what you truly eat and probably better figure out why you haven't lost weight.

    If you fall off the wagon, get back on. Every military General realizes he will likely loose some battles, but what is most important is winning the war.

    Finally- watch your carb intake. :)

    Good Luck All.....
  • Mljordan3
    Still looking for new friends...we all need the motivation, different food ideas and all the support we can get! Feel free to add me I need to loose 100 lbs :)
  • Movie_Geek
    Movie_Geek Posts: 21 Member
    Yes! Looking to lose 110 lbs. Long journey ahead. :smile:
  • runtrx
    runtrx Posts: 17
    My goal is to lose 65lbs or close to that amount, and hopefully try and lose 45lbs by this May for my Nursing Graduation. I have a fitness center at my disposal at the college I go to, but I'm wanting to do exercises at home as well, I'm just unsure at to what workout DVDs to look for. So any support and/or suggestions would be great.
  • zhuntercuba
    zhuntercuba Posts: 6 Member
    Add me I need as much help as possible to stay on track.
  • maddog2424
    Same here. Would to lose at least 25 by May 18th, this year. My daughter is getting married. Count me in. <3
  • gammit
    gammit Posts: 2
    I have started again....hopefully with success this time. I think Im ready to loose this 50 to 65 pounds. My brother is getting married count me in!
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Looking to lose at least forty, but will be pleased with sixty; eighty will make me sick.