control freak

I have been called a control freak on more than one occasion. Who doesn't want control over their own lives? We like to think that as adults, we hold all the cards, no one can tell us what to do anymore!

But, I can tell you that as someone who has battled my weight for my whole life, this is the area of my life where I have been completely out of control! I haven't controlled what I put in my mouth, nor controlled getting off my *kitten* to move!

In March of 2011, I finally had had enough of the yo yo dieting and had weight loss surgery. Determined that this would be the tool to finally give me some modicum of control over my weight.

What control have I gained now? I no longer stuff my face after I'm full I know that I could continue to eat, and stretch out my stomach again, but I choose now to stop. I choose to get up and move, so I control more of my activities. Do I do it perfectly? Hell No, but I'm working on it, and this I will control. I choose to get off my butt and move it, even if its just for a little while every day. I have gained control over the quality of the food I put in my mouth, making healthier choices. I could eat 1200 calories of junk, or 1200 calories of good quality food. That choice is mine, and mine alone.

So, I am learning to let go of control in certain areas of my life, but I am determined to GAIN control over my weight!