Sugar from fruit - is it as bad for weightloss???



  • AidaLott
    AidaLott Posts: 13 Member
    No, sweetheart! Fruit is nature's candy and a blessing for your health and well being. The mere notion that fruit hinders weight loss was probably put in your head by the low carb wingnuts out there who vilify eating fruit because it keeps their precious bodies out of ketosis--- a bizarre notion being that you will melt pounds off if you keep total grams of carbs under 20 grams per day. HOGWASH!!! Your good health and the sustainability of a sane diet that provides plenty of fiber and macronutrients is what gets you healthy and KEEPS YOU THERE---- pure and simple!!! There is no sane way to melt off pounds, and what's the hurry? So you can feel miserable, contemplate killing someone for an apple, and then wind up not just eating fruit, but giving into uncontrollable cravings for the toxic sugars and starches that cause obesity in the first place? Of course, the key with any food--even healthy foods--- is moderation so that your total calorie allowance for the day is consistent with your energy expenditure, age, lifestyle, gender, and genetic profile.