newby here

Hi guys I would love to lose 3 stone but it might be to much and make me look saggy

I need all the support I can get cos i love cooking and eating so its not going to be easy I am

also giving up smoking at the same time. x:cry:


  • speedyf
    speedyf Posts: 1,571 Member
    Welcome! You couldn't find a better website! People on MFP are great, very supportive, and we'll be there to cheer you up when things aren't easy. Just log in your food and your exercise, and you'll see. You'll become like all of us (at least like me): addicted to this site!
  • OH MY GOODNESS I'm quitting smoking right now too! It's terrible right now but I'm sure I won't miss it in the long run. I'm new here too and totally excited about it! If you need anyone to talk to on the smoking front you're always more than welcome to drop me a line!
  • suzy1953
    suzy1953 Posts: 31 Member
    Hi Thanks it great to know if I am having a bad day there is someone there for me Its my birthday on Saturday and we are going
    for a meal so I will have to try not to blow it :wink:
  • Hahah well Happy (early) Birthday! I'm sure you'll be have an amazing time don't worry! But yeah ... definitely have to remind myself not to get grumpy with people just because I haven't had my smoke...
  • Good Luck with both of your new healthy endeavors!
    I am 6 months smoke free and love it!
  • if your quitting smoking see if you can't get some zyban from your dr. and get to exercising helped me a ton and i didn't gain weight when i quit that way.
  • Hi I got introduced to this site 5 days ago by a mate. Its great so far keeping track of everything.Been quite surprised how easy its been to keep within the calorie count per day. Like you I'm starting a fitness revamp(don't like the word diet :laugh: ) Today is day 1 of giving up smoking. So far so good. Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • hgbear74
    hgbear74 Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I'm also new to this.but not new to dieting. I've had great success with Jenny Craig..but always gain the weight back plus more. I'm now the highest I've ever been. I need all the support I can get. I'm also trying the DASH diet as a meal plan. Good luck everyone!
  • Hey!

    I just started my 1200 calorie diet today. Doing good so far!!

    Hope everyone is keeping up with their goals. New year, new us!!
