I need to make a decision, advice needed



  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member

    3. Some of you think I should be able to live with him since I’m already having sex with him AND we have a baby. But I also have to consider that right now I’m not cooking for him, ironing, washing, etc. but I’d have to do all those things if we were living together. So I’m holding back

    wow wow WOW
    Who says that has to all be what you do? Its 2012. now don't get me wrong some people are still into"the woman does this"mentality.. But personally.. That won't suffice in my life. My husband does laundry and cleans. He has his fair share of chores. I do cook but only because I want to actually eat the food when its cooked LOL Z(someone once asked me why I baked my own birthday cake... Like he can bake...)
    I enjoy doing things like mowing the lawn and pruning our garden and such.. Gender roles are far less defined than the 1950s.. So if this us one thing that

    You have to bear in mind though that I live in a different culture from yours. We have yet to catch up to the US and other first world countries I suppose.
  • samantha64118

    3. Some of you think I should be able to live with him since I’m already having sex with him AND we have a baby. But I also have to consider that right now I’m not cooking for him, ironing, washing, etc. but I’d have to do all those things if we were living together. So I’m holding back

    wow wow WOW
    Who says that has to all be what you do? Its 2012. now don't get me wrong some people are still into"the woman does this"mentality.. But personally.. That won't suffice in my life. My husband does laundry and cleans. He has his fair share of chores. I do cook but only because I want to actually eat the food when its cooked LOL Z(someone once asked me why I baked my own birthday cake... Like he can bake...)
    I enjoy doing things like mowing the lawn and pruning our garden and such.. Gender roles are far less defined than the 1950s.. So if this us one thing that

    You have to bear in mind though that I live in a different culture from yours. We have yet to catch up to the US and other first world countries I suppose.

    It's really not as bad as you think it is. You already do those things for yourself and your child, right? You wash your own laundry, cook yourself meals, etc. It's not that much more effort to add some more clothes to your load of laundry, and an extra chicken breast to cook in the oven..see what I mean? I wasn't thrilled about the idea of being a "housewife" at first either (he is def the old fashioned type) but you know it's not difficult, at all! Sometimes I am lazy, like yesterday I didn't do the dishes at all but he is understanding & as long is it gets done and the house isn't trashed or smelling bad, it's fine. As you get used to it, it will get easier and become routine. Don't let that be the one thing holding you back :) However, if it's your desire to wait for marriage...then wait :) And maybe even have a talk with your family and friends, ask them to back off a little.
  • jamaicanlady
    jamaicanlady Posts: 878 Member

    3. Some of you think I should be able to live with him since I’m already having sex with him AND we have a baby. But I also have to consider that right now I’m not cooking for him, ironing, washing, etc. but I’d have to do all those things if we were living together. So I’m holding back

    wow wow WOW
    Who says that has to all be what you do? Its 2012. now don't get me wrong some people are still into"the woman does this"mentality.. But personally.. That won't suffice in my life. My husband does laundry and cleans. He has his fair share of chores. I do cook but only because I want to actually eat the food when its cooked LOL Z(someone once asked me why I baked my own birthday cake... Like he can bake...)
    I enjoy doing things like mowing the lawn and pruning our garden and such.. Gender roles are far less defined than the 1950s.. So if this us one thing that

    You have to bear in mind though that I live in a different culture from yours. We have yet to catch up to the US and other first world countries I suppose.

    It's really not as bad as you think it is. You already do those things for yourself and your child, right? You wash your own laundry, cook yourself meals, etc. It's not that much more effort to add some more clothes to your load of laundry, and an extra chicken breast to cook in the oven..see what I mean? I wasn't thrilled about the idea of being a "housewife" at first either (he is def the old fashioned type) but you know it's not difficult, at all! Sometimes I am lazy, like yesterday I didn't do the dishes at all but he is understanding & as long is it gets done and the house isn't trashed or smelling bad, it's fine. As you get used to it, it will get easier and become routine. Don't let that be the one thing holding you back :) However, if it's your desire to wait for marriage...then wait :) And maybe even have a talk with your family and friends, ask them to back off a little.

    Thanks for this...I think I AM gonna tell them to back off. Never thought about this, sounds so simple.