i need some help with unhealthy snacks

i dont know how to not run to something really unhealthy for me can you give me some advice on how to choose fruits over bad foods


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    it just takes time. my favorite go-to snack right now are clementines.
  • alapoint89
    it just takes time. my favorite go-to snack right now are clementines.
    what is clementines???
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    it just takes time. my favorite go-to snack right now are clementines.
    what is clementines???

    Satsumas. Little citrus fruits that are easy to peel.
  • Elleinnz
    Elleinnz Posts: 1,661 Member
    Make sure you don't buy / bring any of the "bad things" into your house - if you stock up on healthy snacks (e.g fruit, nuts, yoghurt) and that is all that is available it makes it much easier....

    In my house ALL "bad things" that was left over from xmas went down the rubish shute this morning....
  • gaylelynnbell
    gaylelynnbell Posts: 248 Member
    Try not to have the unhealthy stuff in the house. Eventually you won't miss it!
  • alapoint89
    Make sure you don't buy / bring any of the "bad things" into your house - if you stock up on healthy snacks (e.g fruit, nuts, yoghurt) and that is all that is available it makes it much easier....

    In my house ALL "bad things" that was left over from xmas went down the rubish shute this morning....
    its so hard because i have a hubby that loves to eat terrible
  • alapoint89
    Try not to have the unhealthy stuff in the house. Eventually you won't miss it!
    i like that one but i wish that it was that easy
  • maryjay51
    maryjay51 Posts: 742
    what ellein said.. i cleansed the fridge and cupboards of xmas junk food .. and best way to discourage eating chips ect is not to put it in the house..however if you are really desparate i get the snack sized baked chips and allow myself one bag and i drink a ton of water with it to get filled up
  • abbbigayl
    abbbigayl Posts: 75 Member
    Don't keep it in the house and I live by the rule ...if you can get it from a vending machine don't eat it.
  • alapoint89
    Don't keep it in the house and I live by the rule ...if you can get it from a vending machine don't eat it.
    like i said i have a hubby and kids and they all love junk food to much and forget not to get it
  • meagen_2177
    What is your "go-to" snack food?
  • alapoint89
    anything i can touch when im craving sweets lol mainly bad lol but i have gone to canned tuna a few times
  • GouchisGirl
    GouchisGirl Posts: 321 Member
    Don't keep it in the house and I live by the rule ...if you can get it from a vending machine don't eat it.
    like i said i have a hubby and kids and they all love junk food to much and forget not to get it
    Weather they love it or not, especially the kids, you are doing them a favor by not bringing it in the house. My daughter would eat junk all day if I let her, but its not in the house for her to have. You can make healthy muffins and stuff to take the place of cookies and candy......
  • 305powerhouse
  • meagen_2177
    Well really the best advice is not to have it in your house, but your family will give you a hard time about that I'm sure! :) What I've done for myself when I'm craving something salty or crunchy (that's more my problem than sweets), is I go to almonds or pistachios that are roasted and salted. I stick to the serving size recommendation on the package. If I really need something sweet I make sure I only have one!! I don't buy those 100 calorie sweet things, because I found I was using the low calorie count as an excuse to eat more! I've also tried drinking water and adding crystal light to it....
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    Apple slices dipped in natural almond butter or peanut butter with a little cinnamon. It's delish. Also good snack hardboiled egg whites filled with hummus and sprinkled with paprika-my answer to the deviled egg!
  • alapoint89
    i definatly will be trying all of your ideas btw lol even if the family objects
  • rbrducky
    rbrducky Posts: 34 Member
    Are there any kinds of junk food that they like and you don't? My husband is one of those annoying-eats-whatever-he-wants-and-doesn't-gain-an-ounce kind of guy, but I made a compromise with him, and he's only allowed to get the kind of junk food I don't like (to bring home at least, he can go buy whatever snacks that he wants to take to work, as long as they don't enter the door lol.) So he buys his greasy lays potato chips and peach rings, and I'm perfectly happy not eating them haha. After a while, junk food won't even sound good to you, so just hang in there! Good luck!
  • hsmithway
    hsmithway Posts: 191
    Don't keep it in the house and I live by the rule ...if you can get it from a vending machine don't eat it.
    like i said i have a hubby and kids and they all love junk food to much and forget not to get it
    Weather they love it or not, especially the kids, you are doing them a favor by not bringing it in the house. My daughter would eat junk all day if I let her, but its not in the house for her to have. You can make healthy muffins and stuff to take the place of cookies and candy......

    I agree with this. Although you can't always control what your husband brings into the house, you don't have to bring them home yourself, and there's no reason for your kids to eat junk food. Healthy snacks would be good for them, too.

    Generally my husband keeps his cookies in his desk at work, and if he brings some home, they have to go somewhere they aren't staring me in the face. My son eats the healthy snacks that I bring home, like fruits, veggies, yogurt, and string cheese.
  • girlnamedlee
    girlnamedlee Posts: 96 Member
    I agree. We get "fun" healthy snacks for the kids. Yogurt, applesauce, sugar free jello or pudding, frozen yogurt, air popped popcorn. Tonight for dinner I made homemade baked chicken fingers (172 calories for 4) & oven chips (thinly sliced potatoes, spritzed with nonstick spray & salted, 110 calories a serving). We had sugar free yellow topped with fat free whipped topping (30 calories) for dessert. Everyone was satisfied.