First Day from Nebraska

Hi, I just joined and am so full of confidence.... it will be this year I hit my goal to lose 75 lbs. Have tried everything and have never weighed this much in my life. I don't like my life, so I'm the one who has to change it. And I'm going to:) Any wise words of wisdom are appreciated!


  • ellyallen
    Hello - welcome
    Your attitude and determination will definitely steer you in the right direction on the road to weight loss success. Setting small goals is a very helpful way to keep going. Reaching each goal gives one such a sense of accomplishment. Also, keeping track of the food and exercise is an excellent way to stay on track. Don't expect to be perfect all of the times. There are ups and downs. The thing is to remember to get back on track. This site provides excellent motivation. It is great to have the support and advise of others. Good luck!