I'm freaking out!



  • ymhand
    ymhand Posts: 188
    Don't make anything of it. Be patient.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I drink loads water, stay really low carb for few days before my weigh-in day, make sure I've been to bathroom so there's not like 5lb of food in my stomach still! .... Then I usually get my llightest weight, I do this twice a week, when I weighed that morning and got lightest weight then I have my treat day, then next few days back to low carb and repeat same thing again.

    That seems like an awful lot of work to try to get what you want to see on the scale.

    not really ..I have my treat meals on days I have weighed in morning then go back to low carb, so have 2 treat meals a week and still lose weight. I'm also learning to maintain cos I know what I ate on the weeks I didn't lose any so will know what and how much to eat to maintain my goal weight once I get there.