new and was never much of an exericiser

Sadfatchick Posts: 9
edited September 2024 in Fitness and Exercise
I am unsure of what types of exercises to do. i am not very fit or anything. I have a body ball. a Tony Littles Gazelle. and a mat... thats about all. It says I need to burn 980 calories per week, (which doesnt seem liek alot) but I am unsure how to do it. any tips for a beginner


  • I am unsure of what types of exercises to do. i am not very fit or anything. I have a body ball. a Tony Littles Gazelle. and a mat... thats about all. It says I need to burn 980 calories per week, (which doesnt seem liek alot) but I am unsure how to do it. any tips for a beginner
  • memaw66
    memaw66 Posts: 2,558 Member
    Do what you enjoy doing!!!!!

    Any exercise help but make sure you get some cardio in that's what burns the fat!!!

    Just get moving.
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    Walking, in my opinion, is the best place to start. Its easy, or as easy as you need, can be increased as you get in shape. You can do it anywhere, on inclement weather days i walk in circles in my garage. Housework, moving furniture, any activity helps. Just stick to it. Don't try to do it all at once. If you need encouragent check here always a great bunch of people.
  • well thanks for all the encouragment... this is hard for me but i am hoping to get the hang of it.. Dieting is very hard for me with my husband and our son i feel like i want to eat what they are eating. I never know what toi eat... Salad could get boring... and when i exercise i feel so out of shape.
  • age1389
    age1389 Posts: 1,160 Member
    You might have to try a few different things to see what you like to do so you can stick with it. You can try Pilates or yoga to build some muscle or like a dance video for cardio. Good luck:smile:
  • bob9304
    bob9304 Posts: 87
    Well the first step you have already taken, coming here. Just keep trying. I am 48, weigh 370 or so and for the past 5 months have been sitting home doing nothing, on short term disability, it took me a week of walking to make it more than 1/2 a block. But you can do it. For me the best thing is forcing myself to record everything I stick my mouth. It really allows you to see what your doing and helps control it.
  • ohthatbambi
    ohthatbambi Posts: 1,098 Member
    I think the best thing for someone who has never been in an exercise frame of mind is walking. Whether it be on a treadmill or outside. I love to listen to music and walk. Start small. Any exercise is better than no exercise. so even if it is just 20 minutes a day--that is better than nothing.

    I started working out in a gym one and a half years ago and I was way out of shape. WAY! I huffed and puffed on the treadmill. When I huffed and puffed less I moved onto the elliptical. It nearly killed me. Now I can hop on that thing and go for over and hour and I feel great. I am also training for my first triathlon in June. Now if someone had told me that a year and a half ago I would have laughed out loud!! Don't doubt yourself. You are stronger than you know you are!!!
  • I totally agree with the walking. I wasn't particularly into exercise either so when I started this diet a couple of weeks ago, I figured I would simply walk around outside for 30 minutes and after a few days I found I could walk at a little brisker pace than when I started and it felt good as well. Cleaning, even dancing around to your favorite music while you clean the house. I did buy a new elliptical now so I get on the elliptical for 25-40 minutes and put on my fav. CD. I find that I feel so good then I have little dumbells that I lift to work my arms out and I do leg lifts too. I have found that while I'm cooking or brushing my teeth that I can do leg lifts etc. I try to work whatever I can into my daily routine and I'm feeling leaner but haven't lost a lot of weight yet...

    Good Luck. I too found that once I started seeing what I was eating and logging it in it is helping me make my portions smaller automatically now...

  • FatDancer
    FatDancer Posts: 812 Member
    Greetings Sadfatchick!

    I would like to encourage you to give bellydance a the bellydance community our big girls are our Goddesses!

    It is a total body workout combined with'll feel as if you had had a weight training session, yet it feels good, it is so enjoyable and spiritually is the oldest feminine artform.

    Live classes are so much fun but there are several instructional and workout DVDs that are equally enjoyable...Let me know if you're interested!

    Fat Dancer
  • I too was a non exerciser. I started walking a few wks ago (and i even hated the thought of it), but I forced myself to get out there, and now i look forward to it, and add a little distance. at 5 ft nothing and 215 lbs..any exercise is a big task! In a few weeks i went from a 20 min walk to a 40 min walk. music really helps, and enjoy the time to yourself while your out there. On really cold days (i live in ontario) I use my step and mix it up with walking on a spot with weights for 30 min. I also use the mat and the ball for my adominals, I started at 35 crunches, and now am up to 55!! do what you can, every movement counts!

    as for was my weakness too. there are some great foods out there if you want to get away from the salads once in a while. You can find alot of tips on here, kraft has a good site as well, so does the diabetes site. my downfall was cheese, and i was able to find some great alternatives like laughing cow lite (spreadable cheese) which is only 45 cal, 3 g fat, 1g carb, 4 g prot. for 2 portions (33g). i put it on rye crisp crackers, it's filling and tasets great. I also have eggwhites with lots of salsa and some fat free cheese for works, and very tasty. another great treat for a chocolate craving is a whole wheat tortilla with some nutella spread, and some sliced's a nice low cal dessert to statisfy that craving when you need too!! Good luck, i advise experimenting with some new low fat, low cal foods too see what you like...that's what i did, and i surprised myself with what i found. I've lost 9 lbs in 2 wks, so somethings working... good can do it!
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