60+ to loose ( 20 - 29 years old) HEEEEEELP!

Hey yall,

Im a 20 year old full time college student and working full time to pay for college. Working out and eating right can be time consuming. Anyone else facing this problem?? HMU!

BTW . I am a vegetarian, so if you need any plant based healthy recipes IM YA SIS ;) Dont be shy lol

Be blessed,



  • bhreed88
    Unfortunately I feel your pain. I am student teaching as of right now, but last semester i was working and going to class from 7 am until 7pm, and had homework to do when I got home. This left me at getting up at 4 am to work out. 4:30-6:30 everyday. It made my day more enjoyable and pleasant though! I am vegetarian/almost vegan too!!
  • newzj2012
    Just finished grad school, so i totally get it. i found literally no time to exercise, but now realize the importance. if you're needing additional support and encouragement, i got you!