Fitness Rx magazine

mareowner Posts: 26
edited October 7 in Chit-Chat
Okay, so are these people in the Fitness RX magazine healthy with their 6 packs, powder protein and vitamins for dinner? I am very curious what is your definition of normal?


  • jwalker30
    jwalker30 Posts: 282
    Probably not that healthy. I'm no expert on women's bodies but I'd imagine there is some Airbrushing, Make-up, dehydration, and starving that occurs before a photo shoot. Men's fitness magazines & advertisements are probably A LOT worse. Usually the model in Men's advertisements is fully juiced on Steroids.
  • jfluchere
    jfluchere Posts: 346 Member
    thats a great magazine. good articles. much better than the shape, fitness generic stuff.
  • eatlift
    eatlift Posts: 113
    They're probably healthy, I would think.
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