Cruise without going overboard?? (pun intended)

So Saturday we leave for our 9 night cruise to the Bahamas! But I must admit I'm getting a bit nervous. I've been doing so well with my eating habits, but all I hear about is how cruising is half relaxing and half eating. I plan on running at least every other day either on the track or using the fitness equipment. I hope that's enough to keep me on track. Any other advice or how to cruise healthy???


  • TDSeest
    TDSeest Posts: 1,089 Member
    You will have plenty of good choices for food, to go along with all the bad choices. Great salads, good vegetables, good seafood, etc. And, you will do a lot of walking just to get around the ship, and around the ports. And, more than likely, you'll eat less due to the reduced level of stress on a cruise.

    I usually lose weight on cruises; I don't gain.

  • sirihermine
    sirihermine Posts: 123 Member
    the good thing about cruises and hotels are that they usually have a lot of good options when it comes to healthy food.
    If it was me, I would allow myself to eat more healthy food ( than my usual 1200 cals to avoid feeling hungry) and work out every day. That way I would still lose weight, but just not as much as I do when I am at home and seriously restricting.
  • chriscoates7025
    chriscoates7025 Posts: 131 Member
    We were on a 9 night Mexican Rivera cruise last April and I managed to come home the same weight as when I left. I was at the gym almost every morning and participated in many physical activities.
    One thing I love about cruises is all the great food, and I ate it. But I ate small amounts and avoided most deserts and drank no alcohol or carbonated beverages.
    Eat smart and with restraint and you can enjoy the food and will do fine.