15 lbs in 1 year advice? Advice please!


Although I haven't been using MFP as often as I would like (long story short, I obsess over numbers and have had an unhealthy past as a result), I love the community here and would like to ask for some advice.
In the past year, I have more or less kept to a loosely 1500 calories a day diet + a intuitive eating where if I am hungry, I eat more, or less if I am not. I no longer binge, and have tried to keep an exercise routine but have had on and off months because of my work, but probably had more off months then on. My main form of exercise is walking or yoga or crossfit. Despite my situation, I was able to go from 157lbs to 145ish lbs in a year. This is a huge accomplishment, given that I tried my best not to focus on numbers that led me to a weight of 120 (restricted calories to 1,000 with no exercise), yo yo weight gain of back to 170+, then back up and down to 157 where my healthier journey began.

So now, I am at 145 and got here in a much healthier way. I would like to take it slow and steady and make my way down to 130 over the next year. Many people on MFP have AMAZING results in a short amount of time and you all inspire me. For me, I am only 22 years old but have been battling this since i was 14/15 so a very long time and no doubt my metabolism is not the same. I am perfectly fine with slow progress and would like to ask of any advice of how I can get there. If you can shed any light on this topic, please post and let me know. i think MFP has the best supportive community :smile: and would love to reach out to you all for advice. Thank you so much in advance and happy New Year!!!