Who has taken a spinning class?

My gym is moving to a new location and they're going to have a professional spinning studio. I definitely plan on taking classes, but I just wanted to know what it's like/how you guys like it.


  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Really good card workout. Keeps your heart rate up for the full time and burns a lot of calories. Bring plenty of water and a towel. No matter what shape someone is in they can do a spin class because you adjust your own bike's tension and that increases or decreases the difficulty. The Instructor can help you set the bike up your first class so don't be concerned about that at all, just ask for help if you need it.
  • vhenao
    vhenao Posts: 8
    Spinning is awesome!! Is a really challenging workout but the rewards are well worth the strugle. What's nice is that you are the one in control of the intensity so you can go at your own pace without looking out of place!! Def recomended.
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    My dad and I take spin classes together! They are a great workout, but don't be afraid to go at your own pace - challenge yourself, but don't hesitate to take a water break or skip out when the instructor says to raise the intensity! Hope you love the class!
  • Heidi1987
    Heidi1987 Posts: 191 Member
    I LOVE spinning. I burn about 500cals in a 45min session. Like others have said, you can work as hard as you want to as you can change the resistance on the bike yourself.
    I say give it a go. i was terrified when I went to my first class, but i really enjoy it now
  • Angelie28
    Angelie28 Posts: 197 Member
    Its a great workout and definitely take it at your own pace the first time you go. The first time I went I was so sore the next day. My quads and hamstrings were on fire but it's so worth it :)
  • acdeed
    acdeed Posts: 36 Member
    Spinning is Awesome! I love it. The seat on the bike hurts your tush initially, but after a few weeks of classes the pain will subside. Good luck and happy spinning.
  • Flissbo
    Flissbo Posts: 302 Member
    It hurts!!! But no pain no gain :-)
  • csklebar
    I think it gives you a great burn, but I find it really annoying. That is only personal opinion as a person being really cheesy while yelling isn't my thing. I can take cheesiness with a zumba class, but just not with spin. However, that's me. Always do what you enjoy most and you feel gives you the best burn. I always believe that if you do something you enjoy, it will be difficult for you not to exercise. I climb 5 times a week, but sometimes if I just don't feel it that day, I stop and go back another day, so I never stop enjoying it!
  • Tzippy7
    Tzippy7 Posts: 344 Member
    It is awesome! Push yourself as hard as you can and it will be one of the most intense workouts of your life! BUT prepare to have a sore butt for like a week. Not for muscle work, from banging it against the seat over and over again! get padded bike pants if you are going to commit
  • jessicamckay13
    Spin is awesome! I did it regularly for a year and kinda got burnt out on it so I haven't been in ages. I did get my hubby hooked on it though, he goes twice a week. I laughed on his first day because he didn't take my warnings seriously (take water, take a towel, it's going to kick your butt) and he texted me from the parking lot saying that he could barely walk. You can adjust it to your level though, don't be intimidated! Have fun!
  • Cycl0tr0n
    I lurve spin. As a semi-competitive (that means I race, but I don't win ;)) cyclist I figured I would have it sewn up my first class -- not so! I spent the back half of the class pushing like a madman with that thousand-mile stare on my face. A good spin class is one fierce workout.

    If you already ride, it's worth noting that spin is surprisingly unlike road riding (first time I was on a spin bike, I tried to pause without braking so I could scratch an itch, thinking it would 'freewheel' like a normal bike -- I was clipped in, and it yanked my shoe off :D), though the end result -- getting fitter and feeling awesome -- is the same. Once in a while I go to a gym with a friend of mine where they do the spin classes in the dark -- that's pretty cool, too.

    It's also hard, but the good kind of hard. I'll state for the record that I felt more whipped after my first spin class than after my first cyclocross race, and 'cross basically requires you to ride flat-out the whole way.

    One thing to remember -- if your spin class instructor doesn't offer to set your bike up for you the first time and show you how to do it, ask. A good fit prevents problems like knee strain (most people -- even most new cyclists -- set their saddles too low). A good fit will also help prevent unnecessary discomfort (but not the pain of working your muscles hard!), though you may or may not find the seat of the bike's saddle either too hard or too soft regardless of proper fit (I like really hard saddles and hate soft ones; some folks hate hard saddles and like soft ones).

    Good luck and have fun!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    Prepare to sweat. Spinning is one of the most efficient cardio workouts you can get and it's super fun, if you're slightly masochistic.
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    I have been doing it for a year several times a week and I love it. I burn about 550 calories during my class. I cycle so I have clip in shoes, but you can where your tennis shoes. I would recommend padded shorts or a padded seat cover for the first couple of weeks until you get used to it. I dont need padding anymore, but I did at first. Bring water and a towel.
  • Seventoad
    Seventoad Posts: 30 Member
    Spinning is fantastic. I loved it so much I bought a spinner for home. The first time or two you will get saddle sore, but fret not, that goes away soon. Spinning is one of those sports that you get what you put in to it. Listen to the instructor and when they say push or go hard do it! As many have said you will get the workout of your life and when it is over you will be so proud of yourself. Remember, if you skimp you are only cheating yourself out of a good workout.
  • TaraMPatel
    I would love to do a spin class as I have been told they are the best for burning off calories but I think I am still too big to do it, plus nowhere near that amount on stamina yet!
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    I lurve spin. As a semi-competitive (that means I race, but I don't win ;)) cyclist I figured I would have it sewn up my first class -- not so! I spent the back half of the class pushing like a madman with that thousand-mile stare on my face. A good spin class is one fierce workout.

    If you already ride, it's worth noting that spin is surprisingly unlike road riding

    It's also hard, but the good kind of hard. I'll state for the record that I felt more whipped after my first spin class than after my first cyclocross race, and 'cross basically requires you to ride flat-out the whole way.

    I LOVE spin classes! I go for my certification next month :)

    He's right - it's totally unlike "real" cycling. I ride all the time, work at a bike shop, and race, and spinning is intense. My husband rides, too, and thought spin would be a breeze - not so. It kicks his *kitten* every time he tries to do it...he literally starts seeing spots because his heart rate gets up so high, and leaves buckets of sweat under his bike! A couple of my group riders have tried indoor cycling when the snow keeps our rides inside - they, too, thought it would be cake compared to riding, but one had to stop 20 mins into the class and get off his bike to walk around.
    Great work out! I burn anywhere from 700 to 1,000 calories a class depending on the workout.
  • karinefitness
    karinefitness Posts: 336 Member
    I love spinning! Can't do it much anymore due to my workout schedule, but I used to like it a lot. Of course, like any other class, it depends on the instructor. Some are annoying or even boring... I need a good instructor with great music! :)
  • JamesBurkes
    JamesBurkes Posts: 382 Member
    I think it gives you a great burn, but I find it really annoying. That is only personal opinion as a person being really cheesy while yelling isn't my thing. I can take cheesiness with a zumba class, but just not with spin. However, that's me. Always do what you enjoy most and you feel gives you the best burn. I always believe that if you do something you enjoy, it will be difficult for you not to exercise. I climb 5 times a week, but sometimes if I just don't feel it that day, I stop and go back another day, so I never stop enjoying it!

    This is why I prefer Les Mills' RPM. When I've been to spinning classes the instructors are often spouting hippy dippy feelgood nonsense (okay, I obviously see they're hardly going to turn and be and be a downer!) and I find the constant yattering about "riding to the next peak" and "chasing the pack" etc to be really contrived and annoying, too.

    The music in RPM may be cheesy as Hell, but the instructors generally keep quiet apart from saying when you need to change gear - apart from that, it's all riding to the beat of the music, which if it's nice and loud means you don't know how much you're panting and gasping for air. That said, that's just presentation at the end of the day. That kind of workout (spinning, RPM, whatever) is great - good fun and I can burn around 550 calories in 45 minutes usually.
  • lschramm
    lschramm Posts: 22 Member
    Love spin. My only advice would be to wear longer shorts... short shorts will ride up, and long pants will get caught in the pedals. Also, make sure your undies don't have a seam running right up the sensitive part :/
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    Love spin. My only advice would be to wear longer shorts... short shorts will ride up, and long pants will get caught in the pedals. Also, make sure your undies don't have a seam running right up the sensitive part :/

    two words - "bike shorts!"