Diet programs you have tried?

avesoriano Posts: 74
edited October 7 in Health and Weight Loss
Im only familiar with south beach. Ive heard good and otherwise feedbacks about it.

Have you heard of the perricone diet?

What diet program are you fallowing now?


  • I think I have tried most diets going on my journey to lose weight. Currently on an online program called JustSlim which I am loving as its proper food and seems easy to manage.
  • jim_n_virginia
    jim_n_virginia Posts: 59 Member
    I have tried South Beach Diet, Mediterranean Diet even cabbage, Tomato Soup diet and the diet that comes with Alli and none have worked for me. I lose while I am on the diet but the problem is I don't stay on the diets forever and as soon as I get off them or slack off the weight comes back.

    It has taken me a long time to figure out (for me anyways) that it is a life style change. I have to change the way I think.

    I am going to Weight Watchers right now with using MFP for support. I just started but I feel good about it.

    Of all the diets I did the Med diet was the most doable. Just meat, vegetables and water. It's basically a diabetes diet. I don't have it but my doctor suggested it.

    My problem is after a while I started craving carbs.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    i did slimfast from january 2011 - march 2011. within the 10 weeks that i was doing it i lost 1 stone 6 lbs. :)
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    I've tried the following:

    Low GI
    Low Carb
    Weight Watchers point system
    calorie counting
  • ^ what worked best?
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    a combination of all of them!

    bodytrim is a great lesson in increasing the amount of protein you eat and is very sustainable.
    Low GI is good at teaching you about how your body deals with sugars and i did lose weight on this but didn't maintain it for more that 6 months.
    atkins and low carb were awful but i was young and stupid then

    Paleo - i'm doing that now and i feel great. i think i'll be able to maintain it though because my views on food has changed dramatically in the last few months.

    the weight watchers point system was stupid

    calorie counting is important for the energy in vs energy out thing
  • juganaut
    juganaut Posts: 79 Member
    oh.. and i also did the Herbalife shakes for a few weeks


    i prefer real food
  • anewlife4me8610
    anewlife4me8610 Posts: 91 Member
    I tried:
    ww points system for 11 years - I am heavier now then when i started!! and i lost about $2500 in total
    atkins - lost about 40 lbs kept it off for a bout a two months
    la weight loss - lost about 30 lbs kept it off for about two months
    6 week body make over - lost 25 lbs and gained it back VERY quickly
    Slim fast - lost 11 lbs starved to death and quit
    Now I am counting calories and I hope this is the last time I EVER have a 'program' but rather just understand what goes in and how it comes to pass.....
  • Kksd605
    Kksd605 Posts: 74 Member
    I'm doing Ideal Protein. I've lost almost 40 lbs since Sept 2011. Low carb seems to work best for me. I have consistently lost weight on the program. It is pricey, but I like the "plan". I've never been successful at dieting on my own, so to have a plan and then learn how to eat right (which is what the program advocates) is really working for me.
  • I have been on weight watchers pretty much the past 11 years...the points are always in your brain. Lol. You begin to look in your fridge and you virtually know all the food's point values. On that note, I loved it and still do. I have a lifetime membership, but I have only really gained 10 lbs., so I figure this is easier than going to meetings etc. Weight watchers and MFP are both lifestyle changes which I think work best.

    I have also tried the cabbage diet and it was awful and in my opinion, ridiculous.

    Hope this helps. :)
  • Does anyone have an ebook on the "Paleo Diet"? I want to try it but with all the money that I have put into diet plans in the past I don't want to spend if I don't have to.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    Never followed a diet. I eat everything i always did just less. I refuse to give up what i love. You don't have to. It's all about choices. People that sell diets get rich off of those looking for a magic diet. Eat less, exercise more. It's really that simple.
  • in my opinion and personal experience- no diet plan works until you are really determined to let go your favorite foods.

    once you let go your fav foods...just replace the YUMMY foods with raw vegetables, fruits (no canned juices), eggs, no sugar (or very less sugar) beverages, and drinks, water, fish, meat (cooked or otherwise).

    IF and only if - you are doing 4-5 days workouts, in addition to 30-45 minutes jogging - you can even try out rice, macdonalds, junk food...but ONLY once a week.

    other than that, when ever you feel hungry during the day/night...instead of going for chocs, canned drinks...try out dry fruits like almond, n such stuff...also have milk twice a has great nutritional benefits.

    basically you are replacing your yummy diet ...with HIGHLY nutritional value food items...and you are not eating less..not even skipping any are FILLING your stomach with the foods which are healthy....You must also decrease the sugar intake in your drinks (coffee, tea etc).

    Coffee has lot of benefits (google it)...atleast have coffee once a day...other than have green tea 2 times a day...grapefruit juice (home made -not the packet one) daily!

    ALSO REMEMBER- there are two kinds of fat. one is good and the other is dont try to KILL the fat intake in your foods...otherwise you will compromise on many other health benefits of the fat (for just getting a tonned body). Packet/Canned juices include artificial flavors and sugar which undermines your entire healthy diet effort.

    the idea is not to get skinny thin and unhealthy...but to be healthy and maintain a good shape for most part of your life.

    (Note; for expert assistance please consult nutritionist/health or diet expert)
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I tried Atkins two years ago. It definitely was a horrible decision for me. I'm sure that it has worked for other people, but my body hated it. I lost a little weight, but put it right back on. I've lost 30 pounds so far on MFP and it definitely works the best for me. My mom lost a bunch of weight on WW, but she thought it was too much effort and wasn't crazy about it. She put the weight back on but has lost 94 pounds on MFP. Lesson learned? Eat less (and better) and move more haha.
  • Thanks for your feedbacks.

    Someone suggested cohen... Is it effective ?
  • LilBee82
    LilBee82 Posts: 189 Member
    I dislike that word, "diet".

    I have tried slimfast...for like a week.

    i have tried some kind of soup diet, that you make with tomatoes and onion soup mix and a bunch of other stuff. I called it diarrhea soup, cause the majority of the day you are running for the bathroom.

    I have tried Weight Watchers and got sooooo discouraged with it. To pay that much a week and find out you lost like 0.5 lbs that week became very frustrating. And I was hard on myself. For some people, I know it has worked, but it's not for me.

    Right now, I have the Canadian Food Guide taped on my fridge and the servings that are meant for me I have circled. I lost twice as much then when I was on WW.

    So now I am using this site to help guide me as well. It's been only a couple days, but I have noticed my one downfall is sodium. After that is carbs.

    And every meal I try to have one of every food group, and try to keep my snacks as fresh veggies and fruit, yogurt and high fiber whole grain crackers or something.
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