Fat loss but weight gain??

Hi, I am currently doing Matt Roberts' two week blitz programme which involves lots of gym work but decent sized sensible meals. I started on Monday and since then have lost 2.3% body fat according to my monitor, but have put on almost 2lbs. I know muscle is more dense than fat, but is change at this rate normal, and does 2lbs of weight seem like too much?


  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    You didn't gain 2 lbs of muscle in that short period. Most likely your muscles are holding water while they heal.
  • Thanks for the info. So does that mean I'll lose some weight when they've healed?
  • jmatthews75
    jmatthews75 Posts: 525 Member
    Up your water intake and they will release all the excess. Its a strang theory but for some reason it works, The more water you consume the less your body holds in.
  • adlwilmot
    adlwilmot Posts: 117
    Don't rely on your body fat monitor for accurate mesasurements. They're absolutely useless! I've had three sets of scales, each from different manufacturers, and they've all been inaccurate. I can pop myself on at 0900hrs and show one figure, then jump on at 0901hrs and apparently have lost 5% body fat. All of them have done this.....

    Rely more on your own measurements with a tape measure coupled with your weight measurements. Or if you REALLY need to know your Body Fat % go to a pro or invest in some good calipers.

    But a pound of muscle WILL take up less space than a pound of fat in your jeans, so if your jeans get looser and your scales show a higher figure, dance and rejoice!
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    The theory is physiology. It has to do with the sodium potassium pumps in your kidneys as well. Upping your potassium will also speed the release of water.

    And digital body fat monitors are good for tracking trends. I'm very happy with the one I use. But the manual talks about making sure you are at the same hydration, meaning take the measurement at the same time every day - I do mine in the evening 2 hours after a meal.
  • Coltsman4ever
    Coltsman4ever Posts: 602 Member
    Thanks for the info. So does that mean I'll lose some weight when they've healed?

    If you are eating at a caloric deficit, you will lose weight. Just make sure you're eating enough. Eating too little can cause you to lose weight slower.

    And I agree with adlwilmot, those body fat monitors are not so great.