Hi, i'm new here my name is martine

hi everyone, i joined today as i really need to lose about 2 stone, had 2 kids and never really found it in me to lose the baby weight, so now just after christmas and with lots of food and alcohol consumed i have motivated myself to lose the pounds and tone up, especially as i look about 4 months pregnant, ( i really am not), looking forward to helping and supporting you all xxx


  • timheywood
    Hi Martine. I'm new too, and have more than that to lose!! About 30-40kg should do the trick. Good luck (not that luck is an issue with it, of course) and I hope you do well and feel as great as you deserve to!

  • Phoenixwithoutashes
    Good morning, and welcome aboard. This is a great site, lots of great motivators on here and lots of good advice. Feel free to add me as a friend. I have an open profile, so you can peek at it before friending. Enjoy the day! BTW, my name is Bob.
  • Rubyinthesand2012
    hi ive sent an invite...im new too, and a mum and need to lose about the same... anyone else feel free to add me too :)
  • fimary
    fimary Posts: 286 Member
    Hi, i am new i have 56lbs to lose, 2 kids work full time, so hard to fit everything in, my name is fi.