when to jump on the scale

I’m always confused about the right time of day to weigh myself.

In the mornings I weight 3 lbs less than I do by the evening…so which is more accurate?

The cheater in me wants the morning weight to be it, but I’m not sure that’s the right approach.

What are some thoughts on the appropriate time of day to get your weight?


  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    I have heard that for the most accurate weigh in, it should be done in the morning before you eat anything and after you use the bathroom.
  • suzie1011
    the most accurate is indeed the morning weight. however if you have been weighing yourself in the evenings, i would stick to the same time of day so you can see the weight loss better

    good luck to us all
  • siobhanr1
    Apparently this is your dry weight i.e without anything in your stomach and its your true weight
    So first things in the morning after using the bathroom is the correct time
  • Pidders89
    Pidders89 Posts: 1,169 Member
    If you weigh in the morning just after going to the toilet and before breakfast that is the most accurate as you have had a good amount of time after your last meal xxx
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    Well, define morning. I work nights, so just when I get off, or when I get up in the afternoon? -laughs-
  • shanea98
    shanea98 Posts: 32 Member
    The best time for women to weight is in the morning as we have a tendancy to gain ( fluid weight throughout the day). As a standard, one should always weight themselves at the same time of day to get and accurate measure. But realistically, you should see inches loss more than # as a notation of success as if you are starting an exericise regime, you will be turning some of the excess fat into muscle.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    So, I've learned for sure that if I weigh myself after /I/ get up, not when I get off, I weigh less, so that's my new plan.