what was your turning point..



  • Vipecap
    Vipecap Posts: 166 Member
    Mine started with my father having medical issues due to his severe obesity, so I went and met with a small personal training group about possibly working out there. I wasn't completely sold until I went to the doctor the next day, and weighed. Seeing the scale read 301lbs was pretty shocking.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    I'm 32 yrs old, I have been on Cholesterol medicine approximately 11 years and High Blood Pressure medicine for maybe 4 or 5 years, and my lower back hurts all the time. My mom keeps telling me... "if you lose weight your back will quit hurting and you can probably get off those meds." Last year I tried Weight Watchers for like the 3rd time and lost 16 lbs, which was far from my goal, but they eliminated the At Work program at my aunts work where I was attending meetings. So I fell off the ladder and gained it all back. Right around Christmas (2010) I stepped on my scale to realize... I am almost the heaviest I have ever been. The day after Christmas I joined myfitnesspal at the advice of a co-worker whose nutritionist suggested it. My daughter got Just Dance 3 for the Wii for Christmas so we have been doing that almost every night as exercise and I have been really watching my calorie intake. I have lost 5 lbs in a week and a half. I know I can do this... for my health and for me.

    LOL.. I just realized I put the wrong year... Christmas of 2011 (just 2 weeks ago)
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    I've known for a little while that I had gained an unacceptable amount of weight, but still I didn't do anything about it. Then, I just got sick and tired of not living my life. It hit me that I was holding myself back from doing things because I felt uncomfortable with myself. Some things, I actually can't do because I'm overweight (skydiving, horseback riding,etc). It was just recently that this happened. So I got a gym membership and joined MFP. I'm not all the way into the swing of things yet, but it's a start.

    hey, well done for stepping up and starting to change things.. friend request coming your way :)

    I'll happily keep you motivated :D
  • GrahamBarwick
    i was on holiday with my ex gf in dom republic, i weighed 17 stone and wouldn't take my t-shirt of all holiday, then i found she had been cheating on me. So i got my backside into gear and shed the weight.
  • seal57
    seal57 Posts: 1,259 Member
    This time?....My work shirt was getting a bit snug and I knew that I needed to lose some weight...The day I found MFP was the day I started on my last trip to lose weight.......Soon I think I might have to ask for a smaller size....:bigsmile:
  • lizzue
    lizzue Posts: 276 Member
    I think the turning point was a holiday I was on and I get really jealous of my boyfriend talking to a lady we were away with! The only reason was because she was thinner then me that I thought something must be going on?

    That was then I thought my weight not only puts pressure on my joints but only my relationship!

    Gotta change!
  • OooLaurenooO
    OooLaurenooO Posts: 227 Member
    I think for me it offically kicked in that i needed to lose weight was in June 2011 on holiday with my boyfriend. (although he tells me im beautiful and has never mentioned my weight gain in the 3years weve been together) It was him looking at other women (skinny women) and i thought he preferes them to me and looking through the pictures from holiday of me sitting on sun loungers with a BIG rolls of fat hanging out, in my opinion i looked a right state, a huge heffer!! Not a pretty sight so i thought this is it. Ive got to do something about it no more silly crash diets before holidays this weight loss is for good and the start of my new life.

    To date i have lost 12lb and i hope to lose another 12lb by June/July ready for our next holiday and then eventually get down to 139lb. Im eating healthier and exercise a hell of a lot more than i use to so i no i CAN achieve this!!
  • escher83
    One day someone asked me if I truly loved my boyfriend or if I loved him because he stayed with me even though I was fat. I couldn't answer that question honestly so I thought I should lose the weight and find out.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    2 things
    ONE: A picture of my fat butt somebody snapped, and I could not believe how fat I was.
    TWO: My wife said I was unattractive fat - OUCH!

    I lost that weight starting that very moment...:wink:
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    On my 24th Birthday I realized I had lost a lot of my personality and energy, I was this bloated uncomfortable husk of a man! I got home, looked in a mirror then wrote on a big piece of paper 'CUT IT OUT' and since then I have!
  • caroltina
    caroltina Posts: 453 Member
    My daughter came home from school and told me her and her little friend had been discussing the fattest Mammy in her class - turns out it was me! If it was a grown up i would have passed it off as a *****y comment but as it was just innocent -no maice - no hurt intended - just fact it really sank in. I have lost 7stone in the last 2 years - 98LB and I will have that 100lb marker before the end of the month I am gonna kill it! I have 4 lb to go because fo xmas weight but i will get there maybe even by next week :)
  • awdamm
    awdamm Posts: 375 Member
    I got diagnosed with PCOS. The only "real" natural cure is to lose weight. I feel like I can finally get this started after yearsssss of trying and giving up because if I beat it, I get the one thing I want most in the world. A baby.

    i'm right there with ya!

    just to add to it... A drivers license photo I found of mine about 9 years ago was my heaviest and i didn't even "notice" it probably around 225lbs! NEVER AGAIN! I"m down from that 203lbs but have about 30 lbs to go until I'm satisfied. not a "bmi healthy weight"for my height but I feel that weight is appropriate for my "build, bone structure and i don't mind healthy curves!
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    wow.. some of these stories really are amazing, its surprising how the smallest comments can make us change our lives :)

    Well done everyone!!
  • Loudmom01
    Loudmom01 Posts: 131 Member
    My TURNING POINT has been a long time coming but a few weeks ago my mother-in-law brought some pictures from 15 years ago and told my kids "want to see a picture when your mom was skinny?" I was mortified and humiliated. But it started my determination to lose this weight.

    I was a personal trainer at one point in my life and then I quit smoking :tongue: then instead of smoking I ate and put on pound after pound :sad:

    After seeing that skinny picture and looking over current pictures I went out and bought Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred. It comes with a downloadable meal plan. I am on day 3 and am looking forward to being able to fit back into 3 drawers stuffed full of the size 2-3 jeans I wore just 3 short years ago.

    Also, and this is my biggest MOTIVATION, is that I will graduate with my BA in May. I refuse to have this extra weight on me for that event. AND the week after that my daughter is getting married. I do not want to be fat in her pictures and have to look at that for the rest of my life.
  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Age, I realized I was about to turn 29 in a couple months and 30 would be here before I know it. I want to get down to a nice healthy weight by my 30th birthday.
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    Mine was how quickly I was buying jeans. I used to wear a pair of jeans for YEARS! Then I realized that after a few months I kept getting holes between my thighs due to rubbing. Everytime I was having to buy new jeans they kept feeling tighter and such. Finally when Lucky and JCrew didn't have anymore sizes for me to "move into" I thought NOOOOO! I will not give up my fav jeans!

    This was in March of 2011. I am happy to say I just bought a pair of Lucky Jeans in a size 8/29!!!!
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I had lost 18 pounds about 9 months ago. I started noticing my pants getting tighter and general disgust with my body over the past few months. Then I went to my doctor and got weighed and ended up being a couple pounds more than my original starting weight when I had joined this site. *sigh*
  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    one too many nervous breakdowns due to my weight back in 2010. My hubby (then fiancé) was always super supportive and always told me how attractive I was, but shopping for clothing always broke me down. I never felt like I looked as heavy as I actually was - and nobody really believed I had 40lbs to lose - but the clothing really told the story.

    I had hoped to get fit for my wedding, but due to family circumstances we moved the date up an entire year to june of 2010.

    Kind of a bummer that I wasn't able to be a thin bride but on the upside, our wedding pictures will always be a reminder of the body I never want to have again.
  • sonician1974
    sonician1974 Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't have one of those turning point "moments" this time, and I think that's why it's working for me now. In the past, it was always for a shot term goal. A competition at work, A pair of pants that didn't quite fit, but they were all short term cop-outs for a long term solution.

    This time, I just started, no flare or fireworks. I cleaned out the cupboards of everything that didn't fit in the guidelines of Keto, and donated it to a food bank just before Christmas. It ended up being something like $200-300 worth of food.

    And now, I'm just taking it one day at a time. I took a week or so off over Christmas, and in the past, I would have never restarted. This time, I just swung right back into it and lost whatever I'd originally gained over the holidays.

    I do have a pair of pants I'd like to get into, but they're almost 100lbs away (from where I started). They're not the finish line, just a line marker to remind me how far I'll have come. That, and the new holes I have to notch in the belt I wear. :)
  • pretty_ribbons
    pretty_ribbons Posts: 154 Member
    A picture of me last summer at a festival :sad: