what's for breakfast?



  • jess_austin
    i rarely used to eat breakfast as i have always avoided cereal. But i have found that a piece of bacon and a poached egg is always filling. I would agree with other people that protein is the way to go and is a lot healthier than people think if you cook it the right way e.i. grilling the bacon instead of frying, plain toast rather than fried bread. Also i find that a banana or apple as well is guaranteed to keep you full until lunch.
  • M_lifts
    M_lifts Posts: 2,224 Member
    ive been having yoghurt, with a banana and about 15g of mixed nuts andt delicious and yummy and keeps me going until lunch time!
  • martabee1960
    Great value english muffins with egg canadian bacon and cheese have been doing well for me(200 calories a sandwich) . I eat that with my first bottle of water for the day, then if I start to get hungry between breakfast and lunch I have an 8 ounce glass of low sodium V8, just enough to take the edge off and only 50 calories, plus I'm getting some veggies into breakfast, which I'm normally not too good at.

    V8! Good Suggestion! - I'm trying to get more veggies in. - Thanks

    I drink low sodium L&A brand veg juice. I think the low sodium makes a difference as my body totally reads thirst as hunger!
  • ladylu11
    ladylu11 Posts: 631 Member
    thanks everyone for the great ideas :)