New guy

Hey guys,

Thought id say Hello :)

Started my weight loss campaign on Tuesday - well, after the xmas holidays!

Looking to lose about 15Kg's, which works out to be about 33lbs :)

Decided to do it after a combination of things. The photos i saw of me during the festive period are awful! i hate them! and everyone always uses my size as a marker against everyone else, "He's nearly as big as you, or he's slighty bigger than you" and it was irritating to be used as a "fat guy" marker. so **** it. Here we go. Losing weight, getting thin and most importantly looking to increase confidence, as i've been really struggling with that lately.

Anyway, thats me, im 25, from Scotland. I've joined the British group, so i'll definately be using this place as a source of motivation and inspiration.
