
Hey Everyone!

I'm really excited that I'm FINALLY losing some weight, with my thyroid issues it took forever to get started. However, in a couple of weeks I have to drive to and from Louisiana from New York and do a whirlwind closing of my apartment. I eat horrendously on the road and I'm terrified of even making the drive when I'm finally making progress. I wondered if anyone had any travel trip strategies? It seems like; a. we eat when we get gas or because we need to rest from the drive or, b. it's a McDonald's or similar fast food, high calorie situation.

Besides the strategies, I guess I'm looking for a little support too...


  • christinajohnson
    christinajohnson Posts: 102 Member
    Also, to complicate matters, I have to bring my dog with me and so staying in a restaurant is out of the question.