Starting P90X..any advice

Hubby and I are starting P90X this Saturday morning and I can't wait. I've heard so many great things about this program. We both used to be in the military and in great shape, but after being out and lying around for about 5 years (plus we had a baby 15 months ago, so not alot of time to work out) we are both looking forward to doing this together and hoping that we get awesome results! If anyone has any tips or advice, please share. Thanks!


  • tangal88
    tangal88 Posts: 689
    Eat enough calories. Don't push yourself to go to low, you will find you have no energy.

    Eat enough protein especially. But do not cut out all carbs, you need then for energy also. I (and my husband also does P90x) personally supplement with a protein shake. (Not BeachBody Brand)

    Protein also helps me on muscle soreness, recovery, maintenance of lean mass, as does a inner workout drink with BCAAs. I like Xtend Green Apple. But it is purely optional, just works well for me.

    Keep pushing play, keep coming back. EVERYDAY!

    You will likely need to modify moves - its okay and normal, you'll get better.

    You will probably not finish some, or all, DVDs at first - again normal, and you get better.

    Pullups - use a stool or chair as needed, or my favorite, the Beach Body Pull Up Assist band. You will do many of them, you probably cannot do all of them -keep trying, keep pushing, everyday. Do as many as you can. You will get better with time, with muscle growth, and as you loose excess weight.

    Lift heavy for best results.

    Take tape measurements - not JUST scale weight. Scales can be very inaccurate, as far as showing the true picture of body composition changes vs fat, water weight, muscle mass - So use both tape and scale. Often on P90X I drop inches, but not always scale weight.

    I Love the program, have done it many times. Best results always come when I keep my diet in check (staying in my calorie ranges) and keeping my protein high (for me 1 gram per pound of lean body weight) , pushing myself everyday, and raising weight ranges to higher levels (with good form) as I am able. Every time I get improvement, and great body changes, when I do the above.

    If I slack on any, my results are less nice.

    Start with Classic if you can, you will get better results then Lean, as this is truly how the program was originally designed.

    Lots of folks on this site have, or are, using that program.

    I am currently doing version 2.