Jillian vs. jillian

hey guys,

Ive been working on the 6wk 6pk abs for a couple of weeks now, was thinking of adding in ripped in 30? I haven't tried it but i have bought it, so its kinda just sitting there. I was thinking of doing 1 dvd then the other, or should i alternate btwn days. suggestions?


  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    chauncyrenayCHANGED Posts: 788 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alternate days and add in cardio.
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    :flowerforyou: Alternate days and add in cardio.

    Sounds good to me :D
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    How is the Jillian going for you? do u notice a difference in your abs yet?
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    If you want to do some Jillian cardio, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism will kick your butt cardio-style for about 40 minutes. You could throw that in when you need a break from Ripped and Abs or when you need a high calorie burn. Currently I am alternating between several of her dvds on different days.
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    How is the Jillian going for you? do u notice a difference in your abs yet?

    well I've lost 1 inch from my waist since i started it 2 weeks about, and i actually noticed more of a difference in my thighs. I did the 6pk abs a few months back b4 i fell of the wagon and lost 5 inches offa my waist. maybe when i hit level 2 ill make more progress, i ttly recommend it though!
  • jennajava
    jennajava Posts: 2,176 Member
    I would do one, then the other, to see which had better results, but that's just me.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    We were just talking about this in the gym. I get that the point of her videos that have levels like 30DS is to do it for 30 days but that seems counterintuitive to me. Everything I've ever heard about fitness encourages you to mix things up. Sure it's only 10 days in a row of the same exercises but where's the recovery and rest? I know after doing a day or two of level one (and I've seen several other people post the same) that my muscles are sore. That means I'm likely to have bad form and what is the point of doing an exercise if your form is crap?

    Ha! Guess I needed to rant about that a little - sorry. Anyway, my point is, alternating is a great way to go. :)
  • Jenn728
    Jenn728 Posts: 683 Member
    I have four or five Jillian dvds and instead of doing one dvd for a month or even a week, I alternate and switch them up daily. But that's because I get bored doing the same thing over and over.
  • BuffaloJerseyGirl
    I just started the 30 Day Shred (just finished Day 4) and I agree that my muscles have never been so sore!! I'm sure if I do the 30 days consecutively, I'll probably quit out of boredom so I've decided to do JM Shred Mon-Fri, do my usual run on Saturday and Sunday, or, if I really need it, use Sunday as my rest day (maybe just a stretching day!) I know this technically makes it a 38 day shred, but I need to break up the routine for the sake of boredom. I can let you know how it works out for me if you'd like! :o)
  • jenn_is_trouble
    We were just talking about this in the gym. I get that the point of her videos that have levels like 30DS is to do it for 30 days but that seems counterintuitive to me. Everything I've ever heard about fitness encourages you to mix things up. Sure it's only 10 days in a row of the same exercises but where's the recovery and rest? I know after doing a day or two of level one (and I've seen several other people post the same) that my muscles are sore. That means I'm likely to have bad form and what is the point of doing an exercise if your form is crap?

    Ha! Guess I needed to rant about that a little - sorry. Anyway, my point is, alternating is a great way to go. :)

    I joined a 30 DS group for January but left it because my doctor told me to have a day of rest in between or do low impact stuff like the elliptical on my "rest" day. I'm technically obese and level 1 of the 30 DS is soooooo hard on me that I REALLY need that extra day to recover. And my form is probably crap as well!
  • melissaw1232
    melissaw1232 Posts: 184 Member
    thanks! I actually have the dvd but never do it for weeks at a time. maybe I should to get the most bang for my buck!
  • smileygurl80
    I don't think I could do the 30ds for 30 days straight. I echo the question - where's the rest and recovery time? So I'm thinking about doing mine MWF, C25k TTHS and rest on Sundays.

    This would make the 30 days last a bit longer but I agree - changing it up so the body won't get bored.
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    I did the 30DS and found muscles I didn't know I had (that was so awesome) and now I'm doing ripped in 30. Well, actually I started it on Tuesday and I'm beyond sore and I just did the elliptical yesterday to try to work out the soreness... but I'm excited to see the results in a couple weeks. I think I may have to pick up the abs one too.
  • Beckym1205
    Beckym1205 Posts: 217 Member
    I don't think I could do the 30ds for 30 days straight. I echo the question - where's the rest and recovery time? So I'm thinking about doing mine MWF, C25k TTHS and rest on Sundays.

    This would make the 30 days last a bit longer but I agree - changing it up so the body won't get bored.

    On 30DS she didn't really give any guidelines about how often to do it and what not, but at the beginning of Ripped in 30 she says to do it 5-6 days a week with at least one rest day each week. I've heared that other people add cardio and other videos in with this as well, but just listen to your body so you don't overdo it.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I guess on her radio show she said not to do the shred everyday so I try to do it every other day and mix in other exercise. Works for me because all that jumping really hurts my knees
  • medoria
    medoria Posts: 673 Member
    I did level 1 of 6w6p with level 3 or 4 of Ripped for about two weeks, it was a real good combo IMO. Ive also combined level 3 and 4 of Ripped which is also ok. Go for it!
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    If you want to do some Jillian cardio, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism will kick your butt cardio-style for about 40 minutes. You could throw that in when you need a break from Ripped and Abs or when you need a high calorie burn. Currently I am alternating between several of her dvds on different days.

    Ill defff look into that one, i love her dvds lol
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    I would do one, then the other, to see which had better results, but that's just me.

    yeah i kno what you mean
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    We were just talking about this in the gym. I get that the point of her videos that have levels like 30DS is to do it for 30 days but that seems counterintuitive to me. Everything I've ever heard about fitness encourages you to mix things up. Sure it's only 10 days in a row of the same exercises but where's the recovery and rest? I know after doing a day or two of level one (and I've seen several other people post the same) that my muscles are sore. That means I'm likely to have bad form and what is the point of doing an exercise if your form is crap?

    Ha! Guess I needed to rant about that a little - sorry. Anyway, my point is, alternating is a great way to go. :)

    LOL its all good, i kno exactly what you mean, bc personally i get so bored after a few days, thats why i was wondering if people do mix it up or is it just me
  • rougette66
    rougette66 Posts: 210 Member
    I have four or five Jillian dvds and instead of doing one dvd for a month or even a week, I alternate and switch them up daily. But that's because I get bored doing the same thing over and over.
    same here!