Need some help? Message me and ask how I am succeeding.

I started on July 19th. I have lost a total of 40 pounds to date and 6 3/4" from my waist. I lost 30 pounds in my first 90 days. As I get closer to my goal weight it's coming off a little slower, but that's okay with me. I am doing this for my health first, and I know the weight and inches will follow in there own time. I didn't exercise at first, but I am now trying to workout more. I have tried SO MANY diets and they have ALL made me feel punished and deprived. I don't feel that way this time. Plus, I have never been a very "disciplined" dieter. I can't watch other people mow down on pizza while I gnaw on a celery stick. With what I am doing now, I can go ahead and have that pizza and everything will be ok, just have a better dinner tomorrow...and I STILL LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!! That has never happened for me in the past. If you would like to know more, please message me.