I need motivation

Okay I need motivation in order to lose 115lbs. Yes this is much, but usually no challenge is to big for me, and my weight has always been. So what can I do to keep me motivated?


  • welcome to my fitness pal. :) i hope that you'll be able to use this and the community here to help you achieve your goals.

    1.) first, i would recommend asking yourself WHY you joined mfp and why you're looking to lose 115 lbs. if it's because you lost your grandmother to cancer and you're looking to live a healthier lifestyle- then write that down and put it somewhere visible to you

    2.) break up your goal into smaller, attainable goals. for example, a goal could be to lose 5- 10 lbs for the month of january (an average of 1-2 lbs per week-- totalllyyy doable.)

    3.) encourage a friend or family member to make this change with you. you can keep each other motivated and you'll have someone who's aware of your plans and goals.

    4.) fall seven times, stand up eight. if you have a bad meal or bad day, don't let that set back get you down and bounce back.

    i have some other tips to and feel free to msg me if you'd like. good luck with this journey and i'm sorry to hear about your loss. <3

    4.) join a gym, participate in a class (yoga, pilates, dance) or sport that interests you
  • Well this is some GREAT advice, and I really appreciate it.
  • Jasmin you have to work hard and don't think you have on diet just work every day like the first, one tip I do is good and is working

    before each meal drink one cup of water and put one spoon of apple vinager it help you to reduce the appet