35 yr old w/ 50 lbs to lose - looking for some motivating fr

Hi! I'm a 35 yr old mom of 3 beautiful kids. I have about 50 lbs to lose. I'd love to make some friends who could help motivate me. I've never done the internet/community thing so I'm not sure what I'm doing (or what to expect!) Any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


  • j3nn953lk
    I'm in a very similar situation -- just getting into the community, etc. 50 lbs to lose, in my 30s. I'll add you and maybe we'll both get something out of it. Good luck!
  • josey12012
    Hi! I'm a 39 yr old mom to a 6 yr old girl. I just started using MFP and have a bout 50lbs to lose. You can Add me as well if you want another friend for motivation and support. Thanks and Good Luck~!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Mfern42
    Hi, I am 40 years old. I was a normal weight all my life. Then almost 5 years ago I had a second child and gained 30 lbs. I didn't think it would be a problem to lose the weight. Initially I lost 10 lbs. From 2007 to 2012 I gained another 20lbs to add to the mix. Now I need to lose 45lbs. Now I'm starting to get depressed about it. My overall goal is to get down to 155, which is 45lbs.

    I have multiple milestones. 1. I would like to lose 1lb-5lbs a month. 2. In 20lbs I will be overweight instead of obese. This is big for me! I have also created a thermometer chart which starts at my goal of 155 and ends at 200. All along the way there are milestones. This is how much I weighed when I got married in 2006. Since is how much I weight when I returned from my honeymoon, etc. I color in any loss. I was at 197 at one point but over the holidays I crept back up to 200. It is so frustrating.

    What I have done:
    1. Signed up for myfitnesspal
    2. Brought my water today
    3. I'm wearing sneakers and have workout clothes in my car
    4. I already told my husband I'm working out tonight
    5. I'm wearing a pedometer and goaled myself to hit 10,000 steps a day
    6. I am working on getting a buddy or accountablity partner
    7. I have logged my food so far today

    What I don't do:
    I. I'm not consistent logging my food
    2. I don't drink enough water
    3. I don't eat enough calories each day. Believe it or not, I think this is my biggest problem right now
    4, I am not physically active. I've been wearing a pedometer for one full week. I average 4,000 steps a day. That is way too low.

    1. When I have a bad day I want to eat
    2. When I have a good day I want to eat
    3. I am embarrased of my body
    4. I feel unattractive
    5. I wish I had a friend to talk to and to work out with. I have no friends.

    Anyway, that's my story. I hope I can make friends on this site and hopefully I can make some friends in real life that will journey together with me.
  • twilightsm
    Hi.. I'm 30 with 40lbs to loose. I don't have any human children, but I do have two furry cat-babies and I take care of my Grandma... so that kind of counts right? Anyways, feel free to add :)