
So, Yesterday my youth director called me and told me they needed ten people to sign up from our church for this weight loss competition (kinda like biggest loser) and she wanted to know if me and my mother could sign up. I said sure, cause of course I want to lose weight. I get there and these incompetent people are doing weigh ins and didn't accurately know how to do the weigh in, no skin fold tests, didn't discuss how the individual should try to reach the goal. They couldn't even tell anyone a healthy goal for a 10 month period. Even after all this I walked out sad, lol, not anything dealing with them but because I was thinking, how in the world do I attempt to be 150 by October and I was like gee, how did I end up weighing more than my mother! :) Today I'm smiling because I'm gonna TRY my best and do all I can to get as close to 150 as possible. First step, as much as I love Jennifer Hudson, whenever I see those weight watcher commercials I shall walk somewhere as far as possible from that tv. Its really not that encouraging for me, especially her before and after, just awkward.


  • Aerialanew
    Aerialanew Posts: 15 Member
    I completely understand, I am 100 lbs heavier than my mother. I don't think you weight is that extreme but like any weight problem, I know Its hard. Just keep doing what you are doing, TRYING. It'll happen