how often should you weigh yourself?



  • FitnessGeek
    FitnessGeek Posts: 487
    I weigh myself everyday in the morning before I eat/drink anything and right after I use the bathroom. I only record my weight on MFP twice a week. Maybe that's a lil neurotic...but that's me.

    BTW- Mmarcos, you have the cutest dog. =) Staffordshire or APBT?
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    I try to do it once a week- but today I noticed my pants were falling off me when I was walking- so i KNEW i'd lost since i last weighed myself and of course- i had to know how much- so i jumped on the scale a few days early. lol...

    I dont focus on the scale- i focus more on how i'm feeling and how my clothes are fitting. When i can tell they are getting "looser" etc I know I'm losing and occasionally jump on the scale to see where i am!
  • Nich0le
    Nich0le Posts: 2,906 Member
    Depends on my mood :laugh:

    Sometimes I am good and only weigh in once per week, usually a Monday because it forces me to be good over the weekends.

    If I am in an obsessing kind of mood I weigh every day or other day (last week I weighed in 4 times). The important thing is I still only record the weight from Mondays because I am old enough and sensible enough to know that weight fluctuates and once per week is enough.

    I did have to throw a scale away once, when I first started to loose weight, because I was on it like 3 times per day and first thing in the morning and I let it affect the rest of my day, now I take it with a grain of salt. When I did that I weighed in at the gym on monday mornings before my body pump class.

  • kaybeau
    kaybeau Posts: 198 Member
    :noway: I weigh everyday after getting out of bed. I note the weight on a monday and write it on my mirror in eyebrow pencil it always works, but guests think its a little crackers!
  • Georg
    Georg Posts: 1,728 Member
    I completely agree with Banks about keeping track over time & throwing out the highest & lowest numbers. I just know that I need to see it in writing almost daily to believe it! :ohwell:
    That keeps me motivated - whether to make sure it stays low or to check yesterday's sodium results or hit the walking trail for an extra 30 minutes before I get in trouble.
  • mablesyrup
    mablesyrup Posts: 286 Member
    i have a question on your ticker because they are all different-

    is your ticker meaning your goal is to lose 107lbs
    or does your ticker mean your goal weight is 107lbs?

    Sorry, just confused with all the different tickers! Sometimes
    it's hard to figure out what someone's goal is!
  • AmyLou9903
    A friend of mine and I came up with a little theory. When you just start trying to lose weight, weigh yourself LESS often, so you don't get discouraged that you aren't losing enough at a time/losing fast enough. BUT, once you get down to about your half-way point, you should weigh yourself more like 2x a week or more, so if any pounds start creeping back on (this is usually where a lot of people have to adjust calories and workouts and hit a plateau), you will see it right away--BEFORE your clothes start getting tight. Weight definitely fluctuates weekly and even daily, but if the scale stays up 3 weigh-ins in a row, it's probably real pounds that need to be lost again.
