What is your motivation?

I want to know, when you're having a bad day, motivation-wise, what keeps you going? What do you tell yourself to stay on track? Or even to try again tomorrow? What is your motivation?


  • jnbud2002
    jnbud2002 Posts: 216
    Well, I'm just starting out again right now. Like seriously an hour or so ago. My husband and I decided to try Just Dance 3 we got for the kinect, and he was starting it, while I sat on the couch eating cheetos. I stopped after about 10 and joined in on the sweat! Now that I'm done, I told him my boredom makes me want to eat, he told me to drink some water. So I'm going to use him and you and anyone else on here to help be my motivation. I like seeing how much I can lose by Feb 9th if I stay on the right track. So My goal is going to help me stay motivated! Seeing that you've lost 14 lbs already is helping motivate me!
  • beckyahern7
    Just Dance 3 is such an awesome motivator! So fun you don't even realize you're breaking a serious sweat!!!
  • Akahime
    Akahime Posts: 35 Member
    I just think of how bad I want to be able to look good in a bikini this summer. That keeps me going hard. You just have to remind yourself why you're doing what you're doing and want it bad enough.
  • my motivation is alot of things, first i was offered a photoshoot for a magazine if i got in better shape, second i wanna set a record as a powerlifter for my weight class which takes nothing but hard training. Everytime i feel like crap like i cant train, i imagine how great it would feel to step on stage and set a record and the crowd that would be there, overall i rarely ever feel like that.

    Sometimes poor emotional states can be due to bad dieting practice, and i have my diet planned out pretty well :) so im always ready to go
  • avesoriano
    Just Dance 3 is such an awesome motivator! So fun you don't even realize you're breaking a serious sweat!!!

    Is this a workout video?
  • PatasDeGallina
    PatasDeGallina Posts: 155 Member
    Results are my motivation. I have been trying to get this weight off my whole life it seems. Finally for the first time ever I'm at the lowest I have ever weighed as an adult. Period.

    I look at clothes a lot online. Pretty dresses and cute coats. I think about sharing clothes with my sister or my mom. I read the success stories on here a lot. Sometimes every day.

    I know it's possible, that's what keeps me going. I know that I look and feel better than I have in years and that makes me want to do more, see more, feel more.

    And every 5-10-15 lbs that I lose I treat myself. Pedicure, haircut, new bra, etc. I toss out clothes that are too big. I can wear the stuff in my closet that was way too small.

    And I track everything. I let myself go over my calories a little if I feel like it's something I really want to do for that day, then I let it go. I don't do that often.

    And most important, I think, for me, is that I have diet buddies. We share results. We curse together. We call each other skinny b!tches. No lie.

    I think you have to be a little crazy and eat a little chocolate every day to succeed. (That should go on a t-shirt.)
  • lissypriss
    lissypriss Posts: 157 Member
    My photo from a local magazine! One look and I went ballistic! I cut it out and taped it to my fridge, another one is on my bathroom mirror, one in my car, and a few at my bakery.. I have it in my profile pics, trust me, for me to SEE it everyday makes my elliptical machine look gooooood!
  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    Just Dance is JUST that. The aim of the game is to dance! Move! Do anything! It's lots of fun :)
  • jisabelle
    jisabelle Posts: 156 Member
    When I first started MFP it was about health and obviously me being a bit vain, (who dosn't want to look good?). Old pictures of me and also the rude coments of old frriends who were like OMG!! YOU GOT FAT, WHAT HAPPENED. Ugh!, bad.

    I was not over weight as a child or as a teen but I just stoped being as active and acouple of bad choices one to many times and I was FAT!!!

    My motivation now is my twins :( I misscarried them at 4months(my first pregnancy)
    and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through.

    I'm now doing this for them, so they could be proud of their mommy.

    I want to be healthier and I'm scared of all the health problems that come along with being over weight.

    When I don't wan't to do it, I think of my little twins and I pray, from them I get my streight. It always makes me push through.
  • avesoriano
    ^^ i am actually deciding which picture is more inspirational. The good look i had in high school
    Or my horrible drivers liscence. Somehow that doublle chin in the picture
    Is kind of a slap in my face!
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    Every time I start to feel down in the dumps I remember that I feel like I've never followed through with anything to completion in my life, and a couple years ago I promised myself I would finish things I started. I have to get to my goal weight or I will have failed myself.
  • takehimaway
    takehimaway Posts: 499 Member
    I'm not sure..
  • _hesmy19dhero
    _hesmy19dhero Posts: 53 Member
    These are all so great, guys! :) This isn't just for me. This is for when other people are down, too. I want them to be able to see others motivation & maybe that can help them, too. So I guess I should add mine.

    I've always had issues with weight. The lowest I ever remember myself is a size 13. Now, I know you may think a size 13 is fantastic - well, not when you're in middle school. So, I've tried this before and never stuck to it. I went to the doctors office on December 6th & found my starting weight to be 250. When I saw those numbers on the scale is SCARED me. Literally. How did I let myself get this big? So, that day I cut out pop, energy drinks, ect. I only drank water. A month later I am down 14 lbs. I can't really tell myself much, but other people say you can see it in my face. (whatever) But this is the first time I've ever gotten results. It makes me work harder when I know I'm getting results. This time will be different. I don't want to be the "fat friend" anymore. So I won't be. I'm not letting myself down this time.
  • trud72
    trud72 Posts: 1,912 Member
    mine is once i forced myself into starting to lose weight then the motivation was to see every month how much i had lost and the more i lost the more you want to lose! it's like a snowball effect.
  • maysflower
    I remind myself of how unhappy I was at 265 lbs, and I have also kept a few pairs of pants from when I weighed 265. I'll pull those out and put them on and it reminds me of how far I have come and how much I don't want to go back to where I was.

    I also pull out my "goal" bathing suit and visualize myself in it....that helps too sometimes.
  • TinaRodina
    TinaRodina Posts: 110 Member
    I just started dieting and exercising again so my motivation is telling myself that there's no way I can give up already before even giving it a good try.
  • MrsLythgoe
    for me its bto be told i still look amazing by my fiance, even though i dont like myself. i just try to keep telling myself if i lose weight & get down to a size 10-12 then he will like me even more. my friends keep me going as well :-)
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    My jeans are my motivation. I want to look cute in a pair of skinny jeans. I currently do, and I don't want to go back!
  • newmrswood
    <---- I look at my pic and say "you WILL fit in that swimsuit!!!!"
  • GrahamBarwick
    my motivation now is to look at the 5 pictures on my profile now, the way i looked then, how i look now and the stunning woman i will marry on the 28th August this year, on loch goil in Scotland this year :smile: