Time to get serious!!

Ok so I joined MFP a while ago, lost a little weight and then went MIA and my weight sneaked up :(
Feeling gross it is time to get motivated! I watched 'fat, sick and nearly dead' last night very motivating! Seriously need to buy a juicer. But more importantly for me was a gym membership. So today I joined the Spectrum!!!! Yaay me that gym is Freaking beautiful!
Ok so gym check! Next (this is where you come in) some buddy's to keep me on track! Please please add me I'm still not sure how this works but here we go!
Um little about me, full time working mum to a sweetheart 2 year old boy. I'm a cheating vegetarian, I eat fish occasionally (vegetarians please dont tell me off I'm trying at least!). I love cooking and baking, my biggest downfall :(
So here we go day one almost over! Feeling good!