18 and ready for change

For as long as i can remember, ive been overweight. In fifth grade i weighed 150lbs. and middle- high school was hell for me. right now ive graduated from high school, weighing 180 lbs and wanting change. i wanna be that girl that people see in 5 years and say "damn! she looks amazing!" lol, i wanna be healthy and fit, and i wanna be able to wear cute clothes without stretching them out,and fit into the beautiful dresses that are only available in smaller sizes. i cannot tell you how many times ive had to reluctantly put back clothes and dresses because i couldnt fit into them.

well this year i joined myfitnesspal and im currently on a 1,200 calorie diet. i try to get 45-60 minutes of zumba in about 1-3 times a week, or at least skate for 20-30 minutes every other day.

well, wish me luck! and good luck to all of you too! :) feel free to msg me or add me as a friend ^ ^