
I am new to MFP. I am a working mother of 2 year old. It is hard for me to stay on track when it comes to exercising and losing weight. I have support at home but when I am at work I tend to forget what I am supposed to be doing. My job likes to give us cakes and pies every month. It is hard to say no to just one piece but also seconds. Is there anyone who has advice on how to avoid this problem? And also it’s hard to stay focus on working out when you have a very active 2 year old son. Any suggestions on what I can do to stay motivated to work out?


  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    A two year old is some of the best workout equipment you could ask for. When my moochie was that age (she's 4 now) I'd chase her around the house and yard, take her for walks, and use her for strength training. You can lay on your back and do chest presses with your little one, or use him to do weighted squats. Also, workout DVDs are wonderful. Find a good dance one and I'm sure he'll boogy with you.

    Are you eating as part of social interaction? You can bring a piece of fruit and munch on that as you chat. Or take a small piece back to your desk with you if you must have it so it's not as easy to go back for seconds.

    Best of luck!
  • heysexy825
    heysexy825 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you for your suggestion. I do take him for walks and to the park when it warm. Maybe not as often I as I would like cause both of us have very bad allergy problems, but its a start.