Bummed out and really want to eat... HELP!



  • alimarieban
    Also- I would love to be able to provide the support and encouragement to any of you that you did to me. Feel free to request me as a friend if you could use the extra support! :-)
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    Here's what I recommend. Disregard the chips...

    Go out to the store and buy either cottage cheese or precooked chicken strips. Snack on them all you want, you won't sabatoge yourself and you'll only be binging on things that won't set you back.

    Don't let this turn into a downward spiral, you're doing so well as it is! Many times, when something like this comes up people have a tendency to see the negative effects and give up all together! Keep pushing forward!

    Thanks so much for the great advice! I want to push through this and not depend on my old trusty friends (chips, cookies, etc...)
    You're very welcome, keep it up! By the way, I recommended cottage cheese not because it tastes awful but because it is so filling that your body would refuse to even let you consider any junk food!