1st week and pretty discouraged

My first week back to MFP and I'm slightly discouraged. All the hard work of eating healthier, logging my calories, making small weekly goals for myself and only lost 1/2 a pound. My calorie range is 1820 a day and I've been averaging 1300-1400 calories. I can tell you I ate way more than 1800 calories previously so I feel like i should have had a more significant decrease than that! I even haven't had ANY soda this week! People usually say they drop tons of weight in a week just by cutting that out!

I have been diagnosed with hypothyroidism in the past, but my last blood work showed my thyroid levels were in the normal range. Maybe I need to get it checked again.


  • cls09
    cls09 Posts: 38
    Can you please share with us your food diary?
  • cardbucfan
    cardbucfan Posts: 10,545 Member
    Take a deep breath and step away from the cliff. Now, get your thyroid levels checked to make certain they are good. Sometimes, the body doesn't want to let go of those lbs. even when you do everything right but eventually it has to. If you keep doing everything correctly (including drinking your water!) and the scale still doesn't move, change things up. Everybody is different. You may actually need to eat more if MFP is telling you to eat 1820 and you're only eating 1300. Good luck and hang in there. You didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight.
  • Can you please share with us your food diary?

    My settings say my diary is public.
  • Take a deep breath and step away from the cliff. Now, get your thyroid levels checked to make certain they are good. Sometimes, the body doesn't want to let go of those lbs. even when you do everything right but eventually it has to. If you keep doing everything correctly (including drinking your water!) and the scale still doesn't move, change things up. Everybody is different. You may actually need to eat more if MFP is telling you to eat 1820 and you're only eating 1300. Good luck and hang in there. You didn't gain the weight overnight and it won't come off overnight.

    Thanks- I've had success before I started dating my fiance'.. then fell off the working out daily wagon. Lost 3 dress sizes. I know I'll get there.
  • deethinner
    deethinner Posts: 43 Member
    I too am discouraged because I gained my 3lbs I lost back OVERNIGHT!! And I did everything right. So I am with you on this. I know we have to keep on trucking . That is what these message boards are for is to help each other. Good luck.
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    There are going to be fluctuations as you go along. Some weeks you'll do everything right and not lose a pound. Some weeks you'll do everything right and *GAIN* a pound or so. Other weeks you'll lose more than you expect. The key is sticking with it. Even if you don't see any movement on the scale, if you're exercising, your body is improving in subtle ways that are not readily apparent.
  • sonia_mt
    sonia_mt Posts: 37 Member
    Im in the same boat, Im doing what a need to do and it isnt making much of a difference yet. I wasn't expecting miracles but at least 2 pounds would have been nice for the mental side of the "changing of my lifestyle" .. Im just trying to keep it up, I know it will get better because I know it could not let myself get worse, anything I do now is just going to help me not hurt me
  • sonia_mt
    sonia_mt Posts: 37 Member
    Im in the same boat, Im doing what a need to do and it isnt making much of a difference yet. I wasn't expecting miracles but at least 2 pounds would have been nice for the mental side of the "changing of my lifestyle" .. Im just trying to keep it up, I know it will get better because I know it could not let myself get worse, anything I do now is just going to help me not hurt me. Keep your head up pretty lady, we can do this!
  • danagisana
    danagisana Posts: 42 Member
    In addition to your thyroid, try getting all of your hormones checked such as estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. I was having the same problem and it turned out that my estrogen/progesterone balance was off (you can google it, it's called estrogen dominance). There are so many things that affect how your engine runs and it's good to get them all in line so that your diet efforts pay off. Just promise yourself you will stick with the plan for a few months to see how it goes. Good luck and keep us posted!
  • scrubbie1
    scrubbie1 Posts: 9 Member
    If you just started, it may just take a bit to see results. One suggestion I would like to make is that if you are not doing so, measure EVERYTHING you eat. Estimating portion size almost guarantees failure. Buy a cheap kitchen scale and a set of measuring cups, then weigh and record every BLT (Bite, lick or taste) that goes in your mouth. "Portion distortion" is one of the most common reasons for failing early in a diet. Another suggestion is to up your protein and decrease your carbs; your body has to work harder to use proteins, so you get better diet results with a higher protein intake.

  • jmruef
    jmruef Posts: 824 Member
    It's only been a week and you've already lost 1/2 pound! That's right on track!

    This is something to work on for the rest of your life. No, it won't take that long to lose the weight, but this whole healthy eating and exercising thing should be something that you can do forever. It shouldn't be painful, depriving, or a chore (well, not all the time anyway. :laugh: ) It should be sustainable and make you feel good, that you're treating yourself with respect and love.

    Keep on keeping on - you're definitely on the right track.