For all the smokers that want to be ex-smokers

I quit on January 1st, today is my sixth day smoke free. I woke up this morning feeling good and knowing that I don't ever need to have another cigarette again. I actually feel free, I never realized that I was trapped before but now I feel as if I've broken out of my chains. It's easier than you think, don't be afraid, fear is what is stopping you from quitting.

All you need is the right mentality and a lot of tools;

I hear a lot of people say not to quit until you are ready. I was never really ready, you may never be. You just need the right mind set. I made a list of all the reasons I should quit: health, smell, cost, family. It's ok for a loved one to be on the list, but they can't be first, you need to do this for yourself more than for someone else or you will probably cheat (this is what I did the first time I quit). Then I asked myself if smoking was more important than all the things on my list, it's not and I keep reminding myself of that.

Here is a list of all the tools I used, I'm not sure if one of these did the trick or all combined;

Chantix - prescription to help quit

Celestial seasonings tension tamer tea - I drink this to help calm my nerves

Hypnotherapy - I bought the auidobook, "Glenn Harold's Ultimate guide to Quitting Smoking Forever" from for about $6 - this one was a long shot but I think it has really helped me. I listen to it every night before bed.

I also decided to do the Chicago Marathon, something I've always wanted to do but felt that smoking was holding me back. Now I have something else to focus my energy on and a tangible goal that smoking would ruin.

Can you quit and still lose weight? Of course, smoking and eating are all about control. If you can control your smoking then you can control your eating. My only goal for January is to maintain my weight, but I feel so in control of my life now that I really think I can lose weight.

Smoking controlled my life, I planned my day around my cigs and never realized it. I always thought of quitting as limiting myself and not being able to do what I wanted. But quitting has actually freed me. You know what you really want a cigarette but can't have one and it consumes you? You never have to have that feeling again!!! It took less than a week of not smoking for that feeling to go away completely. Yes, I do still want cigarettes, but I don't think I need them anymore and I cannot express to you how good that makes me feel.

If you read through this, thank you, I know it got a little long but I really wanted to share everything I could.

If you really want to quit:

pick a date and stick to it
prepare yourself

I'd be very happy to give any advise or support, feel free to add me or ask me any questions.


  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Thanks for the motivation...I'm cutting back now, and aiming for the end of this month as my cutoff date. I've done it before, but started again after some horrible things happened and my husband and I let them drive us back to smoking...ugh! I WILL do it again!

    Congratulations to you!
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks for the motivation...I'm cutting back now, and aiming for the end of this month as my cutoff date. I've done it before, but started again after some horrible things happened and my husband and I let them drive us back to smoking...ugh! I WILL do it again!

    Congratulations to you!

    This made me think of this article from and thought it might be helpful to you.
    Quitting by the gradual withdrawal method. I discuss this method quite extensively in my seminars. I always tell how if there is anyone attending who knows a smoker who they really despise they should actively encourage them to follow the gradual withdrawal "cut down" approach. They should call them up every day and tell them to just get rid of one cigarette. Meaning, if they usually smoke 40 a day, just smoke 39 on the first day of the attempt to quit. The next day they should be encouraged to smoke only 38 then 37 the next day and so on. Then the seminar participant should call these people every day to congratulate them and encourage them to continue. I must reemphasize, this should only be done to a smoker you really despise.

    You see, most smokers will agree to this approach. It sounds so easy to just smoke one less each day. Thirty-nine cigarettes to a two pack a day smoker seems like nothing. The trick is to convince the person that you are only trying to help them. For the first week or two the one downside is you have to pretend to like the person and you have to talk to them every day. They won’t whine too bad either. When they are down to 30 from 40, they may start to complain a little. You really won’t be having fun yet. When the payoff comes is about three weeks into the scam. Now you've got them to less than half their normal amount. They are in moderate withdrawal all the time.

    A month into the approach you’ve got them into pretty major withdrawal. But be persistent. Call them and tell them how great they are doing and how proud you are of them. When they are in their 35th to 39th day, you have pulled off a major coup. This poor person is in peak withdrawal, suffering miserably and having absolutely nothing to show for it. They are no closer to ending withdrawal than the day you started the process. They are in chronic withdrawal, not treating him or herself to one or two a day, but actually depriving him or herself of 35 to 40 per day.

    If you want to go in for the kill, when you have them down to zero, tell them don’t worry if things get tough, just take a puff every once in a while. If you can get them to fall for this, taking one puff every third day, they will remain in withdrawal forever. Did I mention you really should despise this person to do this to them? It is probably the cruelest practical joke that you could ever pull on anyone. You will undercut their chance to quit, make them suffer immeasurably and likely they will at some point throw in the towel, return to smoking, have such fear of quitting because of what they went through cutting down, that they will continue to smoke until it kills them. Like I said, you better really despise this person.

    Hopefully there is no one you despise that much to do this to them. I hope nobody despises themselves enough to do this to themselves. Quitting cold turkey may be hard but quitting by this withdrawal technique is virtually impossible. If you have a choice between hard and impossible, go for hard. You will have something to show at the end of a hard process, but nothing but misery at the end of an impossible approach. Quit cold and in 72 hours it eases up. Cut down and it will basically get progressively worse for weeks, months, or years if you let it.

    I should mention, this is not a new technique. It has been around for decades. Talk to every long-term ex-smoker you know. Try to find one person who successfully used the cut down approach, gradually reducing to eventual zero over weeks or months. You will be hard pressed to find even one person who fits this bill. One other perspective that should help you see the flaw in the approach. Look at people here who had once quit for months or years and then relapsed. One day, after such a long time period, they take a drag and are smoking again. If one puff can do this after years or decades, guess what it will do after days or hours of being smoke free. It puts the smoker back to square one. All that any ex-smoker has to do to avoid relapse or chronic withdrawal is to - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF!

    I've been quit for almost two months and I'm so happy! I maintained my weight for that whole time (even over the holidays I only gained some water weight but quickly lost it) and now I'm back on the weight loss train.

    OP, congrats on 6 days smoke free! And good luck to everyone else that is quitting. You can do it! It's hard but I can tell you that it DOES get easier. I barely think about cigarettes now and I certainly don't want them anymore. There is life after smoking.
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member
    Almost forgot! There is a Quitting Smoking group here on MFP. Feel free to join us!
  • Missjilly1025
    Missjilly1025 Posts: 146 Member
    Congratulations!!!! I am so excited for to start your life as a nonsmoker.
  • erxkeel
    erxkeel Posts: 553 Member
    Great post thanks!
  • jazzybean1
    I quit August 26 and soooo don't miss it!! I went to a private hypnotherapy session with a friend and we have both been successful. Cost less than smoking for a month and it really took the edge off quitting:)
  • Krissie_Triaxis
    That gradual withdrawal scam is nasty but funny.

    OP - well done on 6 days. Keep going. I quit 6 years ago on monday and it was the best thing I EVER did. You can do it (I used a £5 hypnosis CD too and I still maintain it was the best £5 I've ever spent) :wink:

    Keep going and good luck xx
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member

    Thanks for the info...I've actually quit a few times for long periods before (over many years) using various methods (including cold turkey) . Last time was using the patch, which worked really well, but unfortunately, we fell back into the trap when some things happened that were really hard to deal with, and then were stuck with some weight gain as well. I've lost the weight, but my husband hasn't gotten to where he wants to be yet before quitting again. Its frustrating, because I'm basically ready to stop, but its much harder to do when one partner is still smoking.

    However, I'm setting my quit-date for the end of January, and with or without him...gotta get back at that!
  • pandsmomCheryl
    pandsmomCheryl Posts: 168 Member
    After countless attempts, I successfully quite 8 years ago. It is - by FAR - the best thing I ever did for my health. Congratulations to you- that's wonderful.

    BTW - I'm the world's WORST ex-smoker. I despise them and think they are disgusting....! That after blissfully puffing away for nearly 20 years....LOL.
  • Lifting_chick
    Lifting_chick Posts: 275 Member
    In June I will be smoke free for 2 years, and I am never gonna start that stinky habit again.....and you will be worse on smokers after you quit than any person that has never smoked. Good luck it is tough but worth it :smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I quit 6 years ago. I never really wanted to quit either, I just wanted to prove to myself that I could quit. It was one of the hardest things I have ever done.
    Good luck to everyone!
    Most states have lots of resources for smokers. In Colorado we have free nicotine patches or gum, online support, telephone support and you might want to check with your health insurance provider, they might cover a lot of things too.
    And the other thing is, if you do "mess up" and have a cigarette, don't say to yourself that you failed and start smoking again. when you slip up, just make a note of why-smoking is a coping mechanism for many of us, and sometimes when we encounter something new or an extreme situation (death, fight, work stress, family stress, fight with a spouse), we want to smoke as a way of coping, but the more you cope without smoking the better you get at it. But it takes time for the brain to make new associations. So be good to yourselves and keep at it, sometimes it takes a few tries to get it right.
  • trybefan
    trybefan Posts: 488 Member
    Right on!! I smoked for 8-10 years, saw my g-ma pass away from neck cancer (she was a non-smoker but lived with smokers) and that was it for me....Dec 23 1998 I was a smoker, Dec 24 1998 I was a non smoker and never took a hit/puff anything since that day. It's a mental battle after a few days when the cravings end....period. No matter how long you have smoked, you can quit and the benefits will still be there!
  • CrystalBailey04
    Wow! Thank you all for the motivation! I was doing the "cutting back" with 1/31 as my target quit date. After ready everyones posts and especially the article I'm going to try to go cold turkey on Monday. My husband also smokes and said if I can "prove" that I can quit he will quit as well. I have always been the one to cave and smoke again anytime we have tried to quit. Thanks everyone! :)
  • Shishkeberry
    Shishkeberry Posts: 95 Member

    Thanks for the info...I've actually quit a few times for long periods before (over many years) using various methods (including cold turkey) . Last time was using the patch, which worked really well, but unfortunately, we fell back into the trap when some things happened that were really hard to deal with, and then were stuck with some weight gain as well. I've lost the weight, but my husband hasn't gotten to where he wants to be yet before quitting again. Its frustrating, because I'm basically ready to stop, but its much harder to do when one partner is still smoking.

    However, I'm setting my quit-date for the end of January, and with or without him...gotta get back at that!

    Good for you! I quit without my fiance and lo and behold he quit himself three weeks later. Very nice and I hope it happens to you as well! Best of luck to you!
  • tuffytuffy1
    tuffytuffy1 Posts: 920 Member
    Great job! I quit last January 2nd. I have gone out partying here and there over the past year (about 6 times maybe) and fallen off the wagon, but only for that night. I smoked a pack a day for 30 years before that. You can do it! Stay strong.
  • nmerley
    nmerley Posts: 98 Member
    i quit on the 1st also but did it cold turkey. had some rough days but everyday it gets better.
  • Raclex
    Raclex Posts: 238
    Good job! I also quit (will celebrate 4 years March 3rd) and it was the best decision I ever took. I Read Allan Carr's book and with the support of, never looked back. And I was a hardcore smoker of 15 years.

    I did put on temporary weight (approx. 10 pounds) but once my body got into the groove of functionning without nicotimne and a million other chemicals, it slowly went back to normal (within 3 months), and I lost another 15 on top of that!

    So remember to celebrate and to never, ever minimize your quit. It's huge and it should be celebrated exactly like that! Remind yourself of the success. As well as others!

    Good on you for your success! And you'll see that everyday brings signs of relief of being free from the ball and chain that cigarettes were to you. No more dependance. Freedom, at last!
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    AWESOME! Great decision!

    I quit cold turkey on August 28th. A little over 4 months later and I feel great. I have made it through multiple 'tempations' (stress, going out with friends, etc.)

    It's difficult but it can be done.

  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    Today is my 6th day smoke free as well. Running my daily 6 miles is already much easier! I tried the patch but it made me sick so I am going "cold turkey" as they say!
  • hbiffle
    hbiffle Posts: 156 Member
    I smoked for 10+ years and like you said I never really wanted to quit either. I used Chantix and it worked amazingly well!! I had tried all others - patch, gum, shot, etc. and nothing ever worked. Chantix worked wonderfully and I have now been smoke free for almost 5 years!!

    My best friends father also used it and he had smoked for 40 years and he was able to quit using Chantix too! I HIGHLY recommend this!!!

    Good luck to everyone trying to quit!