Best exercise videos for those new to fitness/out of shape

So, I guess I am admitting that I have let my weight go WAYYYY too far. I need to lose 50 pounds for my health, sanity, poor stretched out pants!! I put in an exercise video that I bought the other day to get things going, the "30 day shread" and whoa!!! This was way too hard! I was about to pass out, could not breathe, not a pretty sight! I need some ideas of good exercise videos for those that are out of shape but would like to progress in a healthy manner. Not too easy, but not death, lol!! Any ideas would be great!:sad:


  • Jenene88
    Jenene88 Posts: 281 Member
    I would say turbo jam. It's not too easy and is a great way to get started. My friend lost 60lbs with it so i know it works. If u do get it and buy through amazon be careful cuz u run the risk of DVDs not working to things missing. If you buy through a beachbody coach you get the extra DVDs with it or whatever else comes with it like weighted gloves or something. If u want to I through a coach message me.
  • ggmur
    ggmur Posts: 4
    have to start some where, i joined a boot camp class and was thourougly out of shape and there where 50 people in the class. I had to dig through my feeling embarassed and just do it and i made significant gains. The leader of class would just tell me do what you can every day and it will get easier. If you have the video at home do what you can in the privacy of your home and it will get easier in time. Go for a walk.
  • Hello I would highly recommend Leslie Sandstones walk away the pounds DVD. I really enjoyed the series and it helped me to get on track with my daily fitness goals . Best of luck to you on your path to good health!
  • I just ordered the turbo series and it looks fun! I am excited to try it! I already do the Leslie Sansone videos, and they are right on target. I would go for a walk, but I am more of a lone exerciser. I don't want to jiggle all over town :noway:
  • RubysMama23
    RubysMama23 Posts: 10 Member
    Definitely Leslie Sansone's Walk At Home dvds. They're a very good aerobic workout and get you moving without having to leave the house. I swear by them. They've helped me greatly. I suggest getting the 5-mile dvd because you can choose between 1 - 5 miles per workout so it really just depends on how you feel. Every little bit counts!
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Hello I would highly recommend Leslie Sandstones walk away the pounds DVD. I really enjoyed the series and it helped me to get on track with my daily fitness goals . Best of luck to you on your path to good health!

    ^^ THIS^^
    Leslie Sansone is a great place to start. K-Mart & Best Buy have lots of DVD deals this week $8 (including Leslie). I recommend the newer Walk at Home ones - you can do as many or as few miles as you need. Walk Away the Pounds are older, and not chaptered.

    Leslie Sansone DVDs are "walking" DVDs - are basically, low impact aerobics without the choreography. You walk (for awhile) do knee lifts (for awhile) you do kicks (for awhile). Because of the simplicity you can bump it up WHEN needed, and use your own music if you want. Higher intensity would be higher knees, bigger arm movements, light handweights, etc.

    Here is a Youtube clip: 5 Minute Walk
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    If your waaay outta shape look into something like Jillian Micheals 30 day hred, its worked wonders for me. That way you can build up stamina and get back into it before diving into something as grueling as p90x right of the bat, which may cause you to become un-motivated. I would defenitly reccomend 30 Day Shred, and after completing that p90x (cause it is an incredible workout) also try to run or something too. I chalk a majority of my weight lost, up to running!
    Good luck, and welcome:smile:
  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
    Anything you can do and keep doing > than any specific recommendation.

    Greatest program means nothing if you quit.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    So, I guess I am admitting that I have let my weight go WAYYYY too far. I need to lose 50 pounds for my health, sanity, poor stretched out pants!! I put in an exercise video that I bought the other day to get things going, the "30 day shread" and whoa!!! This was way too hard! I was about to pass out, could not breathe, not a pretty sight! I need some ideas of good exercise videos for those that are out of shape but would like to progress in a healthy manner. Not too easy, but not death, lol!! Any ideas would be great!:sad:

    Oh and the first time is the hardest. If you did it once and got throught it, you can do it again, and it'll be easier!!
  • ShrinkingSusan
    ShrinkingSusan Posts: 41 Member
    I know 30 day shred is rough, but I would advise you to stick with it. Modify parts as needed. Just walk in place if you need to and build on it everyday. You will be surprised how quickly you improve. I am on day 4 of it. The first day I thought I would vomit, pass out or both, but it has gotten much better. I managed to do it all yesterday with little modification.
  • I just ordered the turbo series and it looks fun! I am excited to try it! I already do the Leslie Sansone videos, and they are right on target. I would go for a walk, but I am more of a lone exerciser. I don't want to jiggle all over town :noway:

    You are going to LOVE IT! I had Turbo Jam and now I'm doing Turbo Fire and it is AMAZING! I always look forward to the next workout! When I'm done this series (it's 20 weeks long) I'm going to order the Chalene Extreme. She is amazing!
  • cheshirequeen
    cheshirequeen Posts: 1,324 Member
    i agree with leslie sansone to ease into exercise. i personally do zumba 2 for the wii, and love it. it takes some times, but is fun and burns a lot of calories. good luck.
  • BeautifulArtemis
    BeautifulArtemis Posts: 641 Member
    Oldie but goodie "Sweaten to the oldies"
  • For the guys (and girls if interested) I would recommend the Men's Health Belly Off! online video's. They're great for new/out of shape and have progression to more advanced. You watch most for free but may need to register. I did last year's version and it was great. Minimal equipment to buy and if you travel you can watch on laptop. There is a 4 week jump start plan followed by a 6 week plan to begin.

    Here's the link:

    Ladies: The same company does Women's Health magazine and may have something better suited for women.
  • So, I guess I am admitting that I have let my weight go WAYYYY too far. I need to lose 50 pounds for my health, sanity, poor stretched out pants!! I put in an exercise video that I bought the other day to get things going, the "30 day shread" and whoa!!! This was way too hard! I was about to pass out, could not breathe, not a pretty sight! I need some ideas of good exercise videos for those that are out of shape but would like to progress in a healthy manner. Not too easy, but not death, lol!! Any ideas would be great!:sad:

    Oh and the first time is the hardest. If you did it once and got throught it, you can do it again, and it'll be easier!!

    Exactly true. The first day I did the 30DS I barely finished it. I'm somewhere around day 8 (A few days lost in between, starting at day 5 again) of level 1 and I'm at about 245 right now. It's gotten easier every time I do it, and my stamina is getting better. After finishing the 30DS I might even try some running. And that's huge for me.
  • upsidedownpear
    upsidedownpear Posts: 101 Member
    Leslie Sansone 2 and 3 mile walk DVDs!! totally agree with you'll!
  • cmm1415
    cmm1415 Posts: 3 Member
    I totally agree.. Leslie Sansone DVD's were a great way to get back into working out after not working out for a long period of time. I still use her videos because I have back issues and certain exercises I'm not able to do but I've had sucess with this :smile:
  • redfox43
    redfox43 Posts: 39 Member
    Bob Harper has a few series of DVD's - all have beginner levels/shorter routines along with advanced routines once you are able. The DVDs are often on sale for $5 each so it makes it easy to work out at home until you feel ready to join a group. I highly recommend them. His beginner DVD and a set of 4 Inside Out Method DVDs are on sale right now:
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My suggestion would be to check out several different DVDs or other forms of exercise and get which looks like something you'll enjoy while doing it. You are far more likely to stick with it if you enjoy it.
  • neddoh
    neddoh Posts: 116 Member
    Zumba videos are a good way to start if you're really out of shape and not used to being active. Gives you some good cardio workout, it's not too hard and you can really tailor it to your own level!