Coming Back to MFP

I'm not exactly new to My Fitness Pal, but I am ready to get the ball rolling again! I deleted my old account (haven't used it for about 6 months) and am starting over! My first time on here was such a success, losing almost 25lbs in 6 months. I have no idea why I fell off of the bandwagon, but it sucks and I don't want it to happen EVER again! I've gained all of my weight but 9 lbs back. Not okay! Looking for supportive friends to help me along this adventure!
I am starting at 216lbs and looking to get down to 175, or 170 ideally. I plan on re-starting my C25k treadmill workout, as well as the 30 day shred. So If anyone relates to any of that, please don't hesitate to add me! Wish you all the best on your path to weight loss! :)


  • sinistertitan
    sinistertitan Posts: 603 Member
    Welcome back! The important part is not that you fell off the wagon, but that you're back on it!

    Best wishes to you on your journey!
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    OMG As soon as I saw the 30 day shred I felt compelled to reply!

    I started MFP in 2009, did everything by writing down my foods etc and never entered them online, yet lost weight. I have no regained my weight, (like yourself) plus 7lbs. :( I am starting at 191lbs today, and hope to get down to at least 171 (I would LOVE to be 160 though, but have never gotten down to that before) I got the 30 day shred for christmas, and my god it is killing me! My plan of action is to walk the dog 5X per week in the mornings, do Jillians 30 day shred as much as I can, and follow my calories on here. I have already exceeded my calories for today though so may have to exercise later on tonight! Hope everything goes well, and good luck! xxx
  • Hey! I fell off myself, but am back at it and completely ready to get this weight off. I've been so wishy washy about it. I don't always feel fat, but after I saw pictures of myself NYE, after thinking I looked kind of cute, I almost threw up seeing how big I really am and how people really see me! I can't live like this. I don't have high blood pressure or anything from my weight, but I'm 41 and sooner or later it will happen. Welcome back and add me if you want!
  • Welcome back! What a great way to start the new year. The support of this site has been great for me. It is so easy to fall off track, and the encouragement of others, I have hung in there. Feel free to add me.
  • Sho_Rowell
    Sho_Rowell Posts: 104 Member
    Hey, you're about the same size I was when I began in Feb. I weighed 215 and now I'm down to 173.8. I would love to support u on this journey. Friend me!
  • Yeah, it just goes to show, you can't stop living healthy once you start! You'll have to do it all over again! I did the 30 day shred the last time I was losing weight and ohhh man are you right by saying it's a killer! Good thing about that is that it gets easier the more you do it... However, that being said, I haven't, nor do I know if I will EVER, move on to the next level. Come to think of it... that would be an awesome goal! Sounds like you have an awesome game plan! I'm going to add you as a friend, we can support each other!
  • jadelyndsey
    jadelyndsey Posts: 150 Member
    I feel ashamed to say this, but I am yet to actually complete it :( I have put the dvd on 3 times now, and all 3 times I have either stopped the dvd, or gotten about half the way through it and just lay flat on my back, watching the dvd (if only that counted as exercise!) If your goal is to move to the next level, mine is to complete the first without dying! :P x
  • fluffyrn12
    fluffyrn12 Posts: 70 Member
    Welcome back!! I'm in the same boat...I should have stuck with it.