low carbers

Im coming back on MFP in hope I can lose weight and keep it off. I am looking for friends following the low carb lifestyle..its the only diet I have ever been able to stay on and lose weight w/o starving all day!! I would love tips and how other low carbers are doing.

Nikki :)

oh yea and I need to lose about 150 lbs!!


  • kimmie185
    kimmie185 Posts: 550 Member
    I follow a high protien/low carb diet. I concentrate more on the Protein count then the carbs though but my numbers usually always end up ok. :)
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    I started the 17 Day Diet last Jan 3, am down 62lbs (64lbs it fluctuates) 10lbs to go and I LOVE IT. It's low carb, in it's first cycle and adding little of the good carbs as you progress to differently cycles. It's super easy, you really don't count calories ( though I really like coming on MFP for all the great support I get).
    GURLEY_GIRL3 Posts: 359 Member
    thanks..never heard of the 17 day diet. Is it hard to keep up w/? I work full time and have 3 kids...so anything complicated I wouldnt stick w/
  • LilOlMe69
    LilOlMe69 Posts: 89 Member
    Not really, at first I kept the book with me AT ALL TIMES, but it's actually really easy to stick too. The first Cycle is really easy, the first time I did it back in Jan.2011, I lost 14lbs the first 17 days, it really keeps you motivated when you see the scale move so fast! I learned so much to, what's really important , as far as healthy fat, and no sugar, I myself find it a surpise I have been doing it for 1 yr, and lost most the weight in 6 months...least last 10lbs are soooo hard, but I have to do it! :) Even through the holidays, I may have gained 2-3 lbs, but 3 days back on, I am back down. I have a friend who has a blog all about it, http://tksinclair.com/. Take a peek... Have a great day and congrats on the weight loss! :) If you have any questions, feel free to mssg me!