Vent: When your spouse sabotages your best efforts



  • bllowry
    bllowry Posts: 239 Member
    I would suggest you sit down with him, make menus for your meals and have him go to the shops with you. My husband & I do that, and I encouraged him to sign up here too. He's not as good about logging everyday as I am, but he's lost 22 pounds so far and now is almost as good at selecting produce and trying new, healthy foods as I am. If he resists, just let him know you have to stick to your plan. No one can make you put things in your mouth. I wish you well, and I know you can take each day as it comes to make good decisions :smile:
  • gurgaveed
    Thanks everyone, nice to know I'm not the only one with this problem, although it would be nice if all of our dearly beloveds would just get a clue so none of us had this problem. I like the Cloroxing the cake idea! ;) He's being a bit more supportive today, actually ate the healthy dinner I made. We just don't really have compatible food/eating styles, for a lot of reasons - he's a vegetarian (but one who doesn't like to eat vegetables!), I'm not (but I love vegetables); he likes to snack constantly instead of eating meals, I like meals instead of snacking... He hates to go shopping, so taking him with shopping won't help, and we have been eating separate meals for a while now, because he prefers to snack in the evening, rather than eat dinner proper. We live upstairs from a shop, so it's easy for him to just pop in and buy all the worst kinds of convenience foods. I have talked to him, but he just doesn't get it. Yes, of course this is about me controlling myself, but it is also a bit cruel, is it not, when this is incredibly difficult as it is for me. I do exercise and I do eat those calories, so unfortunately the hunger is just because I'm pretty much always hungry - I think my wacked out hunger mechanism is partly to blame for the way I am. I think it's also the fact that we live in such a tiny place, we're always together and there's not a lot of room for escape. Yesterday I just put on headphones and turned my chair away from him so I couldn't hear the loud crunching... ha. Oh well, one day at a time, eh?
  • Jessica0982
    Jessica0982 Posts: 209 Member
    I don't have anything nice to say about my husband as I could really use his support and some of his help but I won't get it. With that said, he brought home McDonald's last night. He asked if I wanted anything and I said no. (Go me!)

    He eats junk food and gets irritated with me if I make 'diet' foods as he calls them. That means anything healthy. Even if it tastes good.

    It stinks! So I feel your pain. It makes it harder for me to stay on track BUT....when I do and I see makes it much easier for me to resist. Like I've finally lost some weight, 4 lbs, and he even made a comment to me asking if I lost weight because he could tell. (As he's eating french fries).

    You can do it. With or without his support. Stay strong. Once you see progress, you'll feel even better that you didn't eat the foods he's bringing in the house!
  • slimcows
    slimcows Posts: 10 Member
    hello ladys the men in are lifes are scared off change so just ponit out your doing it for him so u can be hear to take care of him and love him for a vary long time .If he keeps this up u willl both be dead and gone because bad eating is bad health
  • IvoryParchment
    IvoryParchment Posts: 651 Member
    It's about control on our side, but it may be about control on their side, too. Some men don't want their wives too attractive because they're insecure about themselves compared with other men. It's reassuring to them to have wives who aren't attractive to other men.

    You could consider asking him point blank if he's afraid you would leave him for another man if you had an uber-hot body. Whether he says yes or considers the idea absurd, it might make him think about what his behavior looks like to other people. He might be less anxious to pork you up to show he's not insecure about his own attractiveness.