Here's to a lean 2012

I have 70 days before I head off to florida, and 192 days till i am FINALLY 20 and want to reach my goal weight. Looking for some support, fitness pals, laughs, and a healthier body :) What is everyone elses goals? any tips?


  • Netzie
    Netzie Posts: 107 Member
    I have my 30th class reunion coming up in October 2012. I have 80 pounds to loose and that is my ultimate goal to loose that. But that is only 40 weeks away and I have set my loss at a pound a week. My realistic goal then is at least 40 pounds by October 2012. I am drinking more water and tracking all that I eat. So far so good. It is a real eye opener when you see how much little things do matter. Someone gave me a bag of Ghiradelli chocolate squares and they are 70 calories each. They are no very filling tasty but.... for the calories I think I could make a better more satisfying choice. Here is to better choices for the leaner year ahead.
    Thats great to here, congrats on the 30th class reunion! I wish you the best of luck on your journey! you seem to have a really good mind set on it all already.... mine comes and goes. somedays im all about being healthy, other days i just want my chocolate! haha :) But this website is a real eye opener, there are so many amazing people on here who are willing to help.
  • lilibean01
    lilibean01 Posts: 68 Member
    Wishing you the best of luck with your goals, ladies! I think the thing that's helping me so far that I haven't tried before, in addition to using MFP, is having a calendar where I can see each week what my goals are. I put down my workouts for every single day, and then I can visually see what I'm supposed to be doing and if I did it or not. If a workout is not crossed off, I tend to think more about how committed I'm going to be about reaching my goal. It stares at me every single day because I keep it in dry erase marker on my bathroom mirror. It forces me to decide "Am I going to go for it and really do this thing, or am I going to be lazy and stay where I am?" I also write down my 4 or 5 week goal somewhere I can see it (like my mirror or a printed piece of paper that stays on the wall) that says "In 5 weeks I will be XXX" and the exact dates of each week. (ie. Jan.3, Jan.10, Jan.17). That way I know clearly how much time I have and it motivates me when I'm feeling lazy or like splurging -- "Yes, I want to be at XXX pounds, I have 3 weeks left, and I'm going to stay focused." Anyway, that's what's helping me stay focused. My goal is to drop 15 lbs. in 10 weeks to assist in my running and get some of the impact off my joints. I'm a runner and I have some half marathons & one full marathon this year, so I want to be able to run better, faster, etc.! Again, best of luck with your goals ladies! And here's to a happier, healthier year! Add me if you want to! :)