Sore muscles

Will eating more protein (whether lean meats, peanut butter or a protein shake) keep your muscles from becoming sore after a workout?


  • Jeff92se
    Jeff92se Posts: 3,369 Member
  • aviduser
    aviduser Posts: 208 Member
    Will eating more protein (whether lean meats, peanut butter or a protein shake) keep your muscles from becoming sore after a workout?

    NO. You can reduce some soreness by having a recovery drink (some people like chocolate milk, I prefer the more focused nutrition in Hammer's Recoverite). The key is to restore muscle glycogen (sugar stored in muscles for energy).

    But you should not worry about normal post-workout soreness. It is a sign that your muscles are recovering and getting bigger and stronger. I experience soreness a day or two after any hard workout. Some light cardio for those muscles (eg, spin bike for legs) will usually alleviate much of the soreness.
  • mybeach27
    mybeach27 Posts: 243
    I'm a volleyball player and find that the potassium from bananas really helps the soreness...also, sometimes it's best to just soak in a warm tub of epson salts...and don't forget to change which areas you target when you exercise. Core is okay to do every day, but try to alternate your leg and arm workouts :) Add me if you would like, I would love to help!