Question about hashimoto thyroiditis...

Morning All, I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto Thyroiditis. I don't know much about it and would love to have your knowledge. My doctor sent in a prescription for me and I will be picking it up after work today. What are the ups and downs of the medicine? Anything you know that I can do at home on my own to help to level out my hormones. I guess you could say I'm nervous and all. I've always dreamed of having kids when I find my Mr. Perfect for Me but with PCOS and Hashimoto's it scares me that the dream will not become a reality.

Any help?


  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    HI there. First, there is an MFP group:

    Second, I also have Hashi's - I've been on medication for over 10 years, and was diagnosed with Hashi's 4 years ago. There is a lot of information on the internet, and as with anything else, some is true and some isn't. A lot of people will tell you to take iodine - do a web research for scientific journals on iodine and hypothyroidism and you'll learn that while iodine deficiency is the cause of hypothyroidism world wide, you should only take iodine if you're actually deficient in it otherwise it will make your condition worse.

    As for your meds, what did they give you - Synthorid? Cytomel? Armour? any of the others??? Depending on how you feel now, you can expect to feel kind of ... amped up...anxious like a caffeine high. You may think your heart is going to come out of your chest. They usually start you on a lower dose and adjust once a month or so up to a good dosage for you. I didn't really get those kinds of reactions from the meds, but a lot of people do.

    Good luck to you, and check out the group. There's a lot of info on there. You can also friend me if you want some extra support :)
  • 170isreal
    170isreal Posts: 151 Member
    I was diagnoised about a year ago. I take Synthroid 125mcg. It is very important that you do your best to take the medication properly so you can get your levels right. here are some tips.

    1) Take it in the morning
    2) Full glass of water
    3) wait 1 hour before putting anything to eat or drink in your mouth (besides water)
    4) Wait 4 hrs to take any others meds like vitamins & antiacids

    Remember: If for some reason you can not take the meds properly (like you running out the door and need your cup of coffee or you forgot a dose) STILL TAKE THE MEDS! it is better to get something than nothing!

    You will notice a change in the way you feel about a month after your levels are correct, it took me a year to get my levels correct but I am bad about taking my meds :(

    When I first started I noticed I had some extra energy but no heart flutters or shaking and I'm super sensitive to uppers like red bull or energy pills. They start you off low and move up your dose until you have the correct levels so it may take some time before you are on a permenant dose.

    Expect to be sent for an ultrasound! (to look for noduals or enlargment)

    I know it sucks but you feel much better soon and weight lose will become slightly easier!
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    Thanks so very much ladies. I'm definitely going to check out the group. I was wondering how the other meds I take will react with this new med. My doctor put me on Levothyroxin 25mcg to start off. I had an ultrasound done back in June and there was a small tumor but they didn't say anything then. I've been on phentermine since July and am hoping this doesn't react badly with it. I'm pretty sensitive to meds so good thing is I'll be starting the med on a weekend where I don't have to go anywhere.
  • jagwab
    jagwab Posts: 93
    First, You don't want the generic of the medication. You need to get the Synthroid and not the Levo. There can be too much discrepancy between the generics and the name brand.

    Remember that it can take a while for you to find the right balance of meds that work for you. You shouldn't have any side effects from the meds.

    And the not eating this is false. As long as you are not eating any protein you can eat something if you really need it. It is proteins that cause the issues.

    And no dairy within 4 hours of the meds. Something to do with the calcium.

    I am assuming the thyroid doc knows about the phentermine? I would be concerned about combining the 2 since in theory the Synthroid should raise your metabolism.
  • DenverKos
    DenverKos Posts: 182
    First, You don't want the generic of the medication. You need to get the Synthroid and not the Levo. There can be too much discrepancy between the generics and the name brand.

    I am assuming the thyroid doc knows about the phentermine? I would be concerned about combining the 2 since in theory the Synthroid should raise your metabolism.

    I second both of these statements. For sure get the name brand Synthroid. I've been controlled and stable on Synthroid, and generic had me all over the place. It's not that expensive, and once you're stable you can order 90 days online and save even more!

    Ditto on the phentermine - did the same doctor prescribe both meds? I'm also on a weightloss/metabolism booster medication under the care of my physician. I'd been stable on my thyroid meds for YEARS before he gave me the other med, so my body was controlled, but when I went to pick it up, I had a very keen pharmacist who actually paid attention to the conflict and questioned me on taking them at the same time. In fact, I ended up in the ER for some unknown reason about a week after I started taking my weightloss med - the endo thinks it may have been because I wasn't taking a time released version of the drug and that it was hitting me too hard. She changed it to a time released version and that seems to be working - note, we have no idea if that's what caused me to get sick....very orthostatic, clammy, green, cold....My primary took one look at me, and the blood drained out of his face as he grabbed the EKG machine and called the ER. I was in shock, but no one knows why...the endo is guessing it may have been the meds since that was the only change.....
  • MsALMill
    MsALMill Posts: 75 Member
    Well next time I'l know to get the real and nongeneric meds. I just hope my insurance will cover it almost as well as they do the generics because I know most nongeneric can get to be very expensive.

    Yes the same doctor prescribed both medications and I've been alright on the phentermine since I began. I spoke with the pharmacist about taking both at the same time and he warned me of some of the effects it caused and seemed to think if I wait to take the phentermine before lunch (about 10:30), a few hours after taking the thyroid medication it might help.

    I'm trying this out this weekend to see how it goes and if I have any concerns about it I can keep from taking the phentermine on Monday and call to talk to my doctor about it.